Idiots Guide to IRC

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    I’ve put together a few guides similar to this in the past which become useless once the image host decides to delete the files, so I’ve tried putting it all together into a PDF file this time. Now it’s not perfect, as I’ve had to use Wordpad for formatting, so I’ll try and tidy it up from work some day using a proper workprocessor. Anyway it should be useful enough, so right click the link and save target, or just click and load: guide.pdf

    Our numbers are growing in IRC, and we’ve already got a bot sorted, so the channel is ours to keep. We want more people to join us though, and the more that do, the more useful the whole thing will be. Remember the whole point in this is to promote a bit more interaction between us all again, beyond the forums, and allow us to advertise to each other what we’re doing online. It’s open to all, and you’ll find it most useful if you get into the habit of logging in everytime you switch your PC on (it hardly uses any resources, so can idle unnoticed in the background). The console fan boys might also find it useful, but I suppose that depends how easy it is to find each other on XBOX live etc.

    Anyway more to follow on this, re a web based client, but the best way to connect is described in the PDF file. Also let me know if anything there could be made clearer, or if there are any mistakes which escaped my rather swift proof reading.

    edit* new link


    Tooth kindly found a browser app people can use to connect to quakenet, although it’s limited in that you can’t truely verify who someone is. We’ll just have to hope people like Legit don’t get hold of it and start being dicks, but anyway the link is below:

    It’s not as polished as the mIRC client, and is limited in some of it’s functions (eg I haven’t found a way to share files using it yet), but it’s much more user friendly for those who find mIRC too confusing.

    Anyway, where the app asks for channel, type in #xdc, and where is says Nickname, try and use what you have on the forums. I’ll see if there’s a way to automate this, and perhaps link it to someone’s forum profile, but that feels like a big job, so may take me a while to get around to it.


    unable to open the file mate get ‘HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member’s site. ‘ error 😳


    hmm odd, it worked for me, but maybe it’s still seeing me as logged in somehow. New link up.


    Thread updated with Web app in second post.


    Just bumping this to highlight again as our numbers are growing IRC, but we could be doing better. Over the past fortnight there have been signs of significant improvement in XDC, and for me it’s starting to feel more like it used to in the past, but we really could do with more numbers (we’re especially lacking in drunken twats atm :shock:). Remember that the whole point in being part of XDC is that we have a group of like minded people we enjoy playing alongside online, so if you’re still active online and would like XDC to continue as a clan, you could really help us out by joining in. The best place to find us is in IRC, where you can idle and check back for messages. The more of us who use it, the more games we’ll see people involved in, and more we’ll actually interact with each other, and hopefully have fun in the process. Can I also just highlight the word Idle there, as some people are logging on for a few minutes then leaving if no immediate response. The main use of IRC, apart from some chatting (which we actually use TS for mostly), is for tracking what’s going on while afk, so you will sometimes have to wait for a response when you join. Response time will improve with numbers, although it’s actually not too bad atm during evening hours.

    Also you don’t need to go through the whole processing of “Authing” with IRC, as people seem quite happy at the moment with the webclient ( (channel name #xdc).


    Use the actual downloadable client file, it’s much better than the webpage. Web pages are clunky and too easy to close 🙁

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