Jack Thompson manages to outdo himself again….

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    http://blog.wired.com/games/2008/04/jack-thompson-p.html” onclick=”window.open(this.href);return false;

    Imagine the sweet irony if he were shot by the one person in the U.S that hasn’t played a video game.

    wot a cock…


    I concur, he is a dick of the highest order without much of a clue. He obviously has trouble discerning fiction from reality though, so perhaps his letter is not so surprising. 🙄


    someone needs to tell this guy to chill, sit back, and give GTA a go, hed love it if he gave it a try.

    other than that, hes a royal cock-end


    Give me 10 seconds with the dickhead, thats all I’d need

    GTAIV didnt make me wanna go out and panda the eyes of people, twats like him do!



    That guys a knob, but come on I can’t be the only one here who’s ever felt like breaking into cars, and pulling people out of cars after a gta session? It was one of the funniest things for us back with GTA 3 at uni 😆 Ok we were stoned, and it was often the middle of the night when the session ended and we’d be walking home, but the feeling was definately there. Never actually did it though, as it would’ve been stupid, but I guess that guy’s point is there are a lot of stupid people out there. He’s picked the wrong culprit for the problem though, and the stuff in that letter just shows him up as a cock.

    Oh how much I’d love to see him go downtown LA or New York (or wherever these shootings take place), and take the same kind of tone with the boys there that he takes in his letter to a computer geeks mother 😆



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