May Update News

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    Hey everyone! We’ve got an update brewing for next week that we wanted to tell you guys about. Take a look and let us know what you think.

    Intra-Facility Missions
    Intra-facility missions are dynamically created missions that point you towards the important objectives inside a facility based on distance. So, if you’re near Cap Point A, your mission will say “Capture A”. If you’re an Engineer and you’re near a destroyed generator, your mission will be “Repair Generator”. This system is intended to give new players a better sense of a facility’s objectives and some direction on how to find them.

    Membership Changes
    The current membership system with Copper, Silver, Gold, etc, tiers of membership is pretty clunky and unintuitive. With how complicated it was to explain and surface all the information needed for it to make sense, it ended up feeling counterproductive. With that said, we’re taking out all those extra tiers – everyone who is a member is treated like they have max-level-Auraxium membership going forward, with all the benefits that entails.

    Pricing Changes
    We’re making some pretty significant changes to our cert and DBC pricing across the Depot. The vast majority of DBC prices will be dropping, some only slightly, but in many cases pretty significantly. There is one noteworthy exception, and that’s NS weapons that are available to all factions on purchase – those are going up slightly to account for the extra value they bring to the table.

    We also updated many of our cert prices to account for the two years we’ve let them go unattended – and this meant that in addition to many prices going down, or staying the same, cert prices increased for a number of weapons as well. To give some context and hopefully alleviate some fears, our updated weapon cert prices range from 200-1000 certs, so there’s no drastic departure on that front.

    We understand there might be some concern at the notion of any prices going up, but we hope that once everyone gets to see the entirety of the pricing changes first hand, the net reaction will be a positive one.

    Battle Rank Certs Until 15
    We felt the cert gain rate at low levels was too restrictive for new players trying to grow their characters. With this change, each battle rank achieved through BR 15 now provides 100 free certs to help new players get their characters rolling.

    Spawn Rule Changes
    You can no longer spawn at a base that is not connected to your warpgate via lattice unless you die in that base’s region; the idea here is to add more strategic importance to territory and logistics.

    Icon Readability
    We’ve done a pass on all of the icons and text in the HUD, Map, and Minimap to make them more readable and well, iconic. We’ve also changed the settings for things like when HUD icons get pinned to the side of your screen and the distance at which the opacity changes.

    We are doing this on PC and PS4 for a couple reasons:
    A lot of the overhead text was pretty unreadable in certain lighting
    The brackets around many of the icons on the minimap used up precious pixels
    Most of the outlines and glows on text means you really have to squint to read it
    Check out the forum post here if you want to see some screen shots:

    High Profile Bug Fixes
    The Vehicle Ejection Bug: One day we will be able to finally eradicate this bug in a cleansing flame… and hopefully that day is the day of this update. We have a speculative fix for the infamous vehicle ejection bug that sends you flying into the stratosphere. Please cross your fingers and continue to report this if you see it.
    Awareness changes: It is now less likely that you are rendered by/visible to players that aren’t being rendered for you.
    Other Changes

    Galaxy Repair and Ammo: The Galaxy has new defense slot options, Vehicle Ammo Dispenser and Nanite Proximity Repair System.
    Vehicle Ammo Dispenser: Resupply ammunition of nearby vehicles
    Nanite Proximity Repair System: Repair nearby damaged vehicles
    MBT Updates
    New Conglomerate
    Enforcer ML85/Enforcer ML65-H: The Enforcer now has a continuous reload mechanic, ammo will be reloaded one round at a time and the weapon can be fired at anytime during the reload process.
    C85 Canister: The C85 Canister now has a continuous reload mechanic, ammo will be reloaded one round at a time and the weapon can be fired at anytime during the reload process.
    C85 Canister-H: The C85 Canister-H now has a continuous reload mechanic and the clip size on the Harasser variant has been reduced from 10 to 8.
    Vanu Sovereignty
    Proton II PPA: PPA max COF has been reduced from 0.6 to 0.3 and COF Recoil has been reduced from 0.6 to 0.3
    Proton II PPA-H: PPA max COF has been reduced from 3 to 2.25 and COF Recoil has been reduced from 0.6 to 0.45
    Saron HRB down pitch angle limit has been improved by 10 degrees
    Terran Republic
    Prowler G30 Vulcan: The Prowler version of the Vulcan COF reduced from 1.1 to 0.9
    The visual effect of Vehicle night vision has been improved
    Aegis shield should now block AOE damage more accurately
    Vehicle zoom optics can now be purchased individually, optics have been reset and their certs refunded
    Due to a lack of being awesome, the Decoy grenade is being removed from game and certs spent on it refunded. If we can find a way to make it awesome, we’ll look at adding it back in.
    That’s it for now! We understand we may not have hit every issue/bug you’ve brought up recently, but we’ll continue to hammer away at these while working on new content. We look forward to your thoughts!

    With warm regards, but not too warm because this is war,

    – The PlanetSide 2 Team

    In case you guys missed it.


    No stealth sundies?


    From what I’ve seen from test and from people discussing them, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them delayed even longer. There are a couple of major issues, like the cloaking field cloaking enemies, but not friendly mines, turrets, the field going through buildings, and the fact lock on missiles can find a cloaked Sundy. Quite a few of those probably require some coding changes, rather than simple attribute changes such as adding the cloak itself.

    The problem they’ve had while developing for ps4 is that their coders are largely involved with that project, so manpower has to be prioritised. I think that the major point to take from that smedley update recently was that that dev cycle might well be coming to an end. Time will tell though.

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