Modern Warefare 2

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  • #72555

    Shit thing about this is the lack off Party Play.. its fecking ghey playing with mates without being able to converse!

    I’ve gone and changed privacy settings so I can only hear peeps on friends list

    still a good stop gap though


    (okay so my girlfriend bought me the game)

    Well I tried to like this game, I really did, but they have really fucked up the PC version. Its just one random, often laggy, mess. Far too many perks reduce even the slightest bit of skill needed, and…. well its way behind BF1942 was 🙁 (how long ago was that now!)

    An example of trying to play…. game going along ok, lag spikes but nothing too bad then the host gets bored and leaves. Searching for new host…… no ones connection suitable….. kicks us all back to menu screen and game over ! WTF !

    Without clan run dedicated servers none of the options come close to what I preferred playing in CODWAW.

    Cheers infinity ward, you are a bunch of cunts 🙁


    Its ace on the PS3!

    Was just playing now on one of the demolition maps, I needed to blow up the bomb site in the middle of an open area (on the map with the big house in the middle). My charactor is completely invisible to raidar/heartbeat sensors and is silenced, and I could just crawl up in the long grass and set the bomb without anyone seeing me – then stay hidded and take out the enemy as they tried to deffuse – SO COOL!


    @=XDC=FluffyBunny wrote:

    (okay so my girlfriend bought me the game)

    Well I tried to like this game, I really did, but they have really fucked up the PC version. Its just one random, often laggy, mess. Far too many perks reduce even the slightest bit of skill needed, and…. well its way behind BF1942 was 🙁 (how long ago was that now!)

    An example of trying to play…. game going along ok, lag spikes but nothing too bad then the host gets bored and leaves. Searching for new host…… no ones connection suitable….. kicks us all back to menu screen and game over ! WTF !

    Without clan run dedicated servers none of the options come close to what I preferred playing in CODWAW.

    Cheers infinity ward, you are a bunch of cunts 🙁

    fluff come back to bf2 mate

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