Modern Warfare 2 on PC (Pre order)… £23.99

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  • #18902
    Participant” onclick=”;return false;)–for-pc

    Yes I know… I am a legend!!

    Perhaps the game that brings us back together?


    It’s just COD4 but with more ingame movies and more usable vehicles. I doubt very much I’d be getting it for XBOX let alone PC.


    mines on pre order.. for £40.. for 360

    dunno if i’ll get it for PC.. its good, but as tooth mentioned, it looks pretty much like the first and umm.. its arcadey, prolly better for a switch on for half hour in front of TV, but I could be wrong 🙂

    BFBC > COD for MP in my opinion


    COD seems more polished, BFBC was VERY clunky… but still loved it

    Prefer COD 5 over all though


    COD run and gun, BF requires a lot more, like squad action and i like the vehicles and destructable environment to boot, adds more to the game.. however it still has the same full clip to kill someone though 🙁

    COD 5 is same as COD 4 only in WWII scene..


    I agree.. about COD4 and COD5 being similar… but I prefer WW2 and Zombies are awesome!

    Squad based work is great, as long as you get a good squad…which is a rareatiy on public servers… perhaps why we should all get in on PC!!


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    .. however it still has the same full clip to kill someone though 🙁

    Is that in reference to BFBC? Then yes, I agree. In ’43 though I find the weapons really powerful, the rifles are easy to get 2 shot kills with, and with the SMG’s at close range I have a few times when taking my time to aim (and going for the head) killed 3 peeps with a clip.


    aye, meant BFBC

    As there are lots of us with 360, never have a problem squadding up ingame

    xdc the doc

    linkey no worky.

    Either does Insanes AVATAR link actually – come on guys get your shit together!

    Will be on TS tonight if any1 wants a game on a proper platform with PROPER controls (on call though so may not be around all the time.)


    aye appologies for the Avatar link, it appears I stumbled on it before it was due to be released, I watched it, ran over to GFX dept to tell blokey film buff here that it was up, we went to view and it was dead!

    I didnt have time to come back and tell yee.. but as it should have been released 15mins after i viewed, I fuigured google would have helped



    I’m just going through some old posts I missed over the summer, and just wondering if this is out yet, and whether it’s any good on the PC? I’m quite keen on getting it, if only just for the single player.


    Back end of November mate

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