MOH Airbourne Demo

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    I know what you mean.

    Our net stopped working a couple of weeks ago, so we call them up, and they say there isn’t a problem on our line, so will send an engineer round in 7 days (both my parents work from home, and I was writing my diss!)… the next day we call back, and they say they have fixed the problem in our area (the problem that didnt exist the day before)… and then three days later it starts working again…

    Engineer comes round a few days later (if they were going to waste our time, we thought we would waste theirs) and he tells us he is the only engineer in west london, and our whole street was down all week.

    Fucking liars… I wonder how many people got techies in to fix their kit which wasnt broken!



    My 9800 xt is not supported… I need a new puter:(


    If you’ve not played it on the hardest difficulty give it a go. It actually improves the enemy AI and it’ll try to flank you. Pretty decent.

    Gotta say though that after playing this I installed CoD2 again over the weekend and that’s still probably a better game (or better than the one level demo anyway), though on the hardest difficulty it’s a right bastard to get through at times.


    Didnt really rate MOH tbh, much prefer BioShock, which I must say, is a quality game, nearly done it just stuck on the end level at mo.


    you only like it because it rhymes with COCK!


    yeah my card isnt supported also so i havent been able to play the demo wait 2 fucking hours then i cant even open the sonofabitch. I fucking hate EA


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    you only like it because it rhymes with COCK!



    so does anyone know if they are going to support these cards that they dont right now because i think they are missing alot of customers this way. i tried to update my video drivers but it still says no worky with my card not supported i am a little miffed since it came out today. I was looking vewry forward to this game also becuase i loved all the moh games in single player.


    Crazy hippopotamous may be able to help yee.. Me thinks its a ploy to get everyone to buy new hardware myself!

    I cant see them missing out on customers due to it being out on all Formats though.. they should of lost customers after BF2142 and buying additional 5 min boosters but they didnt 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    I cant see them missing out on customers due to it being out on all Formats though.. they should of lost customers after BF2142 and buying additional 5 min boosters but they didnt 🙂

    Lol I think we’ve played more nothern strike than we do vanilla. Best £5 i’ve ever given EA.


    I read that this game runs on the new Unreal 3 engine. If this is true then you’ll potentially miss out on a lot of games if you don’t get a new card since lots of games will no doubt use this engine.

    Thing is that just like the Bioshock demo the MOH demo ran great on high settings on my PC (which isn’t great) so I’m quite pleased – looks like I’ll be able to play the new Unreal Tournament when it comes out – and the vids for that impressed me more than the Crysis vids.

    Having said that I could be totally wrong and talking shite, so don’t believe a word of it.


    Bloody console games. This was obviously written for a console controller and with a keyboard and mouse it’s ridiculously easy, even on the hardest setting. I even had to restart it halfway through the first mission to make sure I hadn’t accidentally stuck it on easy. Played it last night for about an hour and a half and I’m a third of the way through it already.

    The other down side is that the hit boxes for the enemy are all over the place, which is bizarre cos they weren’t on the demo. I can only think it’s some attempt to integrate this ridiculous weapon upgrade system. Weapon unlocks/upgrades in these fps games are a crap idea, can’t understand why people want em to be honest. Why keep putting them in? Even CoD4 has them, that’s put me right off that game as well.

    All in all it’s still a fairly decent game but it’s gonna end up being shorter than Gears unless you handicap yourself by say, chopping off a hand (but not your wanking hand people, that would be foolish, think on).


    Crap.. i had high hopes for this.. A stern reason to TBYB i say

    mind you wouldnt dropping in on different points trying diff ways make it longer.. i did this on the demo.. which hactually pissed me off.. only because you had to wath the ingame movie all the time.. hopeyfully that can be skipped!


    To be fair compared to the shite that we’ve had released recently it’s still pretty enjoyable to play but I suppose it comes down to whether you want to pay for a game that you can comfortably finish within a week. I’d rather buy a decent short game than a crap long one, I get bored of games very easily these days anyway.

    The weapon/upgrades unlock isn’t necessarily a criticism if you like that kind of thing. I just think it’s shite on an FPS where how good you are should be important, not how long you’ve played it or how flash your gun is. Christ on a crutch, leave that bollocks for the orcs n dorks games and their Sword of Dobber nonsense.

    The only real criticism is this strange hit box thing. Difficult to explain but basically the game seems to intermittently switch off enemy hit boxes to represent that your lower grade weapons are inaccurate. So you’ll rush into a room and empty half a clip into an oily/jerry and after 5 or 6 shots of hitting thin air your bullets will suddenly start to connect without any change in aim. It’s not too bad when you’re outside and shooting at distance but when the bloke is stood 2 yards away it’s really noticeable. It’s a bit like playing an online shooter and getting lag.

    I don’t particularly regret getting it and it’s decent enough for me to play through to the end and maybe have a go on multiplayer so I’ll get my moneys worth out of it.

    It’s comparable to Ghost Recon, Advanced Warfighter in that it’s fairly decent but dumbed down for consoles. Bloody hell, that’s just reminded me of the original GR, now that was a proper game!


    I get bored of games very easily these days anyway.

    here here!

    They are a crap idea.. saying that in MP its nice to have something else to aim for I guess.. but as with Legit, its shit because thats all some people want.. to get them quick which spoils the game 🙁

    Customisation is a kinda neat thing.. theres a game called “They” due out next year.. the game sounds and looks shit to me but you can add your own details to your gun.. even pics.. and running around with a naked bird in a game on your gun appeals to me 🙂

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