Now then

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    OK I am finally free of all things uni for a bit but start work in July so I’ll have to get a few things done this month.

    First and foremost let’s get Max in ps2, we have a match to arrange and need him on his game.

    Second, said match is to be arranged, so does anyone have anything in their diary that would get in the way of that during June or July?

    Ben and me are going to finish the site but may need some ideas so post away below if you have any.

    Going to speak to Paddy.

    The server smash for ps2 is going to involve an unique and interesting role for us which will be defined over the next few days. We’ll need to make sure we’re prepped to deal with it, which will mean throwing caution to the wind and just trying really hard stuff to see what we can actually do. If people have any ideas on how you think we’re best used, post below. At the moment they want us to basically bail people out of trouble, but a large part of this involves utilising players from other outfits and factions, I.e. the best on the server, who we are nothing like. There’s also a potential problem here as they are asking me to lead it while bumping up the numbers with xdc but we have almost a squad of us active now as it is, so that may mean compromise somewhere in how this pans out or an entirely different plan.

    Finally, someone remind me to renew my driving licence before the end of the week.

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