Online esp report store thing (uni13)

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    Lo i found a site that allows an alliance to upload and veiw esp reports and figured it could help us, particulary keeping up with the dozens of Tribbles.

    Take a look at..

    Im posting most of this here because of the 500 character limit :, I’ll post the login details in-game.

    Basically on the left hand side you have

    ‘Overview’ = Shows the planets already scanned (use the filter options to veiw the reports you want)

    ‘Submit dunmp’ = Copy and paste reports here to add to the database.

    Theres more options to play with but i’ll leave you to play about, just stay away from the Delete option, i found out it does work quite well :0



    Hi mate , I have had a brief look at it , I will be sure to give it a try .


    Hi Silver,

    I think it’s a brilliant idea to keep record of TRIBBLES (or anyone else come to think of it)…

    I’ve had a quick look at it over the weekend and it looks good…..

    I Will try to upload spy reports when I have more time…


    Yeah i do realise it can take a bit of time but to be honest….you’re just lazy bas..ahem

    It helps us all lads and ladette, even five mins cut/pasting the galexy views will at least give us a good planet search for particular players.

    So Add to it tarts, it helps…. YOU!

    /thumps fist on table



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