Overwatch – McCree and Widowmaker nerfs

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    From translation on reddit:

    Source: http://tw.battle.net/forums/zh/overwatch/topic/3446144877


    Alternate fire: Damage decrease from 70 to 45
    Time before reloading decrease from 0.75 seconds to 0.3 seconds (Probably reverse patch form this)


    Alternate fire (Snipe) Base damage decrease from 15 to 12 (damage multiplier from charging doesn’t change)
    Headshot damage multiplier increase from x2 to x2.5
    Player can only re-enter “sniping mode” after the “exit snipe mode” animation finish
    Infra-Sight (Ult): Ultimate charge cost increased by 10%

    Bug fixes

    Improve custom game “High bandwidth Mode” stability
    Mercy will no longer charge her ult if her right click target is shooting shield or ice wall
    Reaper will no longer teleport to weird places
    Fix some bugs in Dorado (Should include the Symmetra one)

    That’s a massive change to widow and the changes to McCree will really help the likes of Zarya, Roadhog, and Reinhardt, plus the feeling on reddit is this is a great change for Zenyatta who’ll see a lot more use now as the anti-tank character. The widow change will hopefully really help Pharah as well.

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