Philips amBX SGC5101BD Starter Kit / Game Lighting Kit

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  • #19079

    Yeah I’ve played around with these for a bit.They were doing demo’s of these when they first came to market at the Multiplay iSeries events. They were ok, if anything a bit gimmicky.

    Playing racing games and feeling the wind rushing in your face getting more intense the faster you drove was pretty cool although after a while I guess the novelty will wear off . I would deffo turn those ghey lights off because they would bug the crap out of me after 5 mins of playing. But for that price they aint a bad bit of kit.


    gheyest idea ever.. get some cheap lights from Ikea behind you large TV, and put the fan on.. for added effect get the kids to squirt water in your face for that rain effect

    absolute shite.. ambience my fecking arse


    You say that but a mate has a TV with ambient lighting and it is actually quite effective, not sure how it would cope with the rapid changes to colour that the games I play tend to have, guess I’d have to try it out.

    Decent price though!

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