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    Was just going to start up a post regarding this mod.

    I’ve been told it’s 100x better than vanilla BF2. Im downloading it now via torrents! Best start it up now instead of waiting in line for it tomorrow. 1GB download!! 😯

    Few quotes from over in the CAL forums:

    Fallen is the shiznits…Infantry players are gonna love it.

    And as one of the only Beta testers in CAL i can honestly say that Narco Speaks the truth….Wait until you guys see the amount of vehicles, the quality and diversity of the many many maps, the accuracy of the guns, the clarity and quality of the sounds, the smoothness of the game, etc, etc, etc…

    I also beta PoE2 and it is an amazing game all around. What the dev’s have done in their time working on the project is amazing, and it truly shows when you play the game.

    While most of our testing has taken place on the larger maps its safe to say that every vehicle/kit/gun has a counter, leaving the game balanced like no other.

    If you guys are planning on downloading it, go for the torrent that should be available Thursday at sometime. This way you can get the game in advance, and install it on Saturday when they release the password.

    Oh yeah, if anyone is still up…head over to Fragtv.net and check out a broadcast of POE2 this evening….It should also be in the archives after this evening’s game.

    Also on Friday, immediately following on from our IRC interview we have a match between 2 top CAL main teams, fadeight and team|dynamic. It will of course be played on the Point of existence 2 mod! The match settings will be official CAL rules and will be played on 2 maps with each map having 2 rounds each, the maps being played will be agreed between the 2 teams on the day. This match will be broadcast LIVE on FragTV and will be hosted by FragTV’s very own Narco and Schetter. The event kicks off at 9pm EST which will contain pregame talk about random PoE2 stuff, map rundown and team rundowns. The match itself will begin at 9:30pm EST.

    http://devel.fragtv.net/ <---- Pretty good site for viewing broadcasted matches. Quality is slowly getting better and better. 🙂


    password is:



    got it…am going to try now 🙂


    I played it last night for a few hours and it’s pretty damn good! Only thing that probably needs to change might be the shotty. Very powerfull! Definitely my weapon of choice for infantry.

    Poe2 really makes EA / Dice look REALLY bad, LOL.


    is there a crosshair?


    @nOm wrote:

    is there a crosshair?

    Only when you zoom in. Depends on which gun, ect. The shotty has the crosshair….which is my favorite gun before they decide to nerf it, lol.


    bah, dl it this morning…(when trying to cure hangover)…but cant bring myself to play a game with a x hair after RO


    bah RO has ruined you nom i think you need therepy.

    Must be subliminal messages in the load up screen

    oh and you do know the kiddies that play games like that just stick a crosshair on their screen don’t you 🙄 😀


    RO has free aim..ie ur gun moves and is never centre…shoots where its pointing…so no point in the above..so there 😆


    You dont get a crosshair in airsoft 🙂


    lol played it and never even noticed 🙂

    still couldn’t get into it though 🙁


    DLed POE2 : thought it was OK. Got lucky on an infantry map.

    Enjoyed not having stats etc in the round. Just had a points table like BF2. Not sure if it was in ’42 or BFV as I never played them.

    Good fun though

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