PS3 minus the Blu Ray $150USD

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    I notice that everyone below the article thinks it’s a wind up but tbh whats really that unbelievable? Ok it seems really cheap but the Blu Ray component is the pricey bit in PS3 while Sony re-coup the R&D on Blu Ray while being in a price war with MS. So Sony take up the Steam Model…no brainer really. I just wonder what the Microsoft XBox response will be.


    humm the only thing for me that differentiates(spelling) the ps3 and the 360 is the blu ray so take that out and you have a toaster humm what’s the point? Then again I couldnt give a toss either way I have both and I’ve played them for exactly 4 hours a piece in the last 4 weeks, complete waste of money, I should have spent it on my p.c


    well me neither, I don’t have the time to play the PC as it is leave alone a console. Its all about pulling in the bottom feeders and fence sitters now I guess. It will go this way wind up now or not, Steam has proved it can work so why would they not cut out the retailers and massive production costs?


    Still overpriced 🙂

    You can get a Bluray player now cheaper than a PS3, the only game I’d want for it and look forward too is MGS4, but one game doesnt justify spending lots of pennies on a console, esspesh when I have the 360 which has better online gaming fo shizznit

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