Quite a major change coming next week (ish)

Home Forums XDC Gaming Planetside 2 Quite a major change coming next week (ish)

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    Worth posting here because it’s first of all a big change and may confuse some people, but it’s also worth noting that it’s a half baked change, so it’ll be a work in progress of sorts on live for a few months.

    In case you’re in work and really need to kill some time by reading that wall of text, I’ll summarise in spoiler tags 🙂

    [spoiler:3tx4yqk5]1. Continent Locking is coming – when you capture/conquer 94% (i think) of all the territory on a continent, that continent becomes locked, which means nobody can use it. The faction who conquer it gain a “significant boost”. You can unlock a continent by conquering another one. This is a very basic implementation of a system which will eventually include “battle islands” where you fight to unlock continents, but the battle islands are not yet ready.
    2. Hoisin is coming (the 4th continent) – however Hoisin is not finished, they just need to release it now to ensure that the early implementation of continent locking isn't too restrictive. They estimate the map needs another 3 months of work, but they have sufficient “1st pass bases” and placeholder bases in place to ensure a fairly balanced experienced (just not the full experience they intend)
    3. Outfit capture – the outfit who contributes most to the capture of a base will be displayed on the map somehow as the “base owner”. There's no practical purpose to this yet, other than for bragging rights.
    4. Outfit recruitment – various improvements to outfit recruitment stuff[/spoiler:3tx4yqk5]


    It’s coming today.


    This will likely mean extended downtime btw.


    Continents will now correctly lock to the Alert victor upon the completion of the Alert
    Since Hossin is a brand new continent that we want everyone to enjoy, we’ve temporarily disabled all Hossin alerts to prevent Hossin from being locked through alerts. Hossin can still be locked through territory domination, however.
    Latest Hossin map
    Fixed the spawn room shields at Nason’s Defiance
    Removal of redundant FX on some plants in Hossin
    Server performance fix
    All reinforcement spawn points will now turn off once a faction has greater than 50% population in the region.
    Outfit Browser: Will now only show outfits from your own server
    Updated the notification for facility capture to include more details on the dominant outfit

    Hotfix today, with two significant changes highlighted.


    Although indar is my favourite map because of the combined arms play that is needed there, hossin is the most stunning map I’ve seen in any game ever.


    It does create a decent atmosphere if it’s ever quiet enough there to appreciate it, but so far I’ve just been in hectic fight after hectic fight on it…. Last night was good though with 3 of us from my new VS outfit managing gaining an outfit capture credited to us in a 30 v 30 fight, but fuck me was that hard work.

    I’m dying a lot more on hosin as well atm, but I guess that’s to be expected when you don’t know the lay of the land. I suppose I’ve been picking some tough situations there to try and win too. Incidentally Line, the last few nights we’ve had a 4 man XDC squad on Ceres playing Vanu, and may jump on Woodman soon as TR, if you fancy joining us. It also doesn’t take too long to kit out a character if you’re having to start from scratch btw. It took me 8 hours last week on Connery to get to BR 15 with a heavy assault with lvl 4 shield and NW.

    Anyway back on topic, my only complaint about Hosin is that it’s really hard to see what’s going on around you with it being so dark and misty, but I’ll maybe try tweaking the brightness settings later on.


    type in summerreward for a free gun.


    @________ wrote:

    type in summerreward for a free gun.

    To redeem this for more than one character, use the website and type in the code multiple times.



    A reported Tank handling issue at high speeds has been addressed

    Various instances of flora growing indoors has been removed
    Ixtab southern pass painfield has been fixed
    Vex Biologics air ammo resupply station has been fixed
    Gourney Dam spawn doors should now function correctly.
    Ancient Clutter vehicle terminal has been fixed
    Minor misc fixes have been made to improve general gameplay.
    All infantry and MAX weapon attachments are now purchasable with Station Cash. Like the existing weapon optics, any attachment purchased with station cash will be unlocked account wide.
    All weapons that have a second advance variant of forward grips or laser sights have been condensed down into a single attachment unlock. All certification points that have been spent on these attachments have been refunded.
    Added 2x Optic to all appropriate weapons that were missing it
    Kill Assist Experience should calculate correctly
    Server Ping Rate re-added to the server select screen
    Continent Locking:
    -Lock warning will display on main HUD
    -Outfit Recruiting
    Profanity filter added to the Outfit Summary
    Fixed some text errors in the Outfit Browser
    All spawn doors should now have the new visibility changes
    Bloom has been set back to normal levels.

    Known Issues:
    The Darklight Flashlight attachment on the Phobos VX86 shotgun can be unlocked twice. Only the first unlocked attachment is useable.
    All rail attachments on the NC05 Jackhammer will show a second unlock button after first being unlocked. These rail attachments can be used without having to unlock them a second time.

    Small patch today. Not a lot in it that stands out except for what I’ve highlighted in bold.


    Pretty major tank nerf coming soon as well, similar to how they nerfed Libs.


    Only a test server patch, but the intent is obviously there from the devs, just not going down with the farmers in the community.

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