Random Config question

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    Two things bugging me slightly in BC2 atm related to the configuration settings.

    The first is that I don’t use the standard awsd key config for moving my character, using the arrow keys instead, and on that side of the keyboard I normally have a function for the enter key. As default in game though enter brings up the spawn and kit selection screen, and I can’t find a way to turn this off. Does anyone have any ideas? I can map an additional function to the key, and that will work, but it doesn’t really help when you’re waving your knife about and unable to move because the spawn screen pops up at the same time 🙁

    Second is mouse sensitivity in tanks. In previous BF titles you could set the sensitivity for on foot, and in vehicles, which was useful because normally I have the sensitivity on foot much lower than in a tank, where it helps to the extra speed spinning the turret. Is there a way to change this settings, maybe using a custom config file, like you can use for various things in source games?


    For changing mouse sensitivity you can try following the guide here http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-bad-company-2-pc/1202119-how-vehicle-gun-turret-turn-sensitivity-adjustment-client-patch-r8.html However, one of the recent patches changed/fixed/removed some of the mouse acceleration/smoothing settings so your mileage may vary.
    It will also change the settings of the guns/other positions in tanks/hummvees/jeeps, which will get sped up aswell.
    Havent tried changing that myself.

    Currently not a known method to unbind the enter key,
    Only ‘fix’ can be found here http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/430937.page
    Where you use a program called autohotkey:
    “I found a decent solution… basically using Autohotkey I made a macro that replaces Enter with a different button, and then puts another button in for the class selection. The macro is very simple:

    Basically just get Autohotkey from Autohotkey.com

    Make a text file with notepad and call it BC2.ahk or something similar.

    In the file, put the following:


    So in this case I’ve replaced the E key in for when I press Enter and when I press / I get the actual Enter key press. You can put whatever you want in for e and /.

    Then doubleclick BC2.ahk before you play, make sure it’s opening with Autohotkey, and remap voila.”


    Awesome thanks Alpha, I’ll give that a try once I get home.

    xdc the doc

    Obvious really – but when I found out I couldn’t get the sensitivities to change in game I just bought a mouse with 3 different dpi settings. I have 1 dpi for sniper, 1 for foot soldier, 1 for vehicles. Voila!


    Yea, that’s something I’ve been trying while looking for a better solution. Changing DPI settings normally takes a few seconds to apply on my mouse, although it might work better now I’ve got win 7 installed. It can also be a pain in the arse keeping track of where I am on list of 5 personal DPI settings, especially when I can hit the button sometimes and nothing seems to change.

    I was able to read up on Alpha’s links last night and the solutions there sound perfect. Sadly I didn’t have a stable enough connection to last long enough in game to test them.

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