Resident Evil 5

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  • #18969

    Any of you bods got this? I remember playing the demo earlier this year on the 360 and hated it. Then I played the PC version at a friends and decided to give it another go, really like it now and have picked up a copy from ebay for the 360.

    If anyone wants some CoOp let me know 😀

    ps: the wannabe nazis would love it, I haven’t shot and stomped a single white person yet 😯


    It’s racist and shit. Really poor effort at a game, sooooooooooooo linear, no real scary parts, just plain awful. It’s the old “I’ve run out of ammo, help!” bollocks. Don’t buy it, in fact don’t even play it.


    Bought, completed, sold

    Its not scary like the old ones as wolf says, I’d get Batman over this

    if you’ve already bought it though, its worth a go

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