Sniper Night – 1st-TAG Server

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  • #18248

    Hi guys, I know it’s last minute but a few of the guys and myself have set the server up so it only allows sniper weapons.

    We do have custom maps running but we have two stock maps between each one, so that should keep downloading to a minimum.

    If you want to download them in advance go here.

    Some of the details of the mod are as follows:

    1/If you use the claymore perk you can defuse your teammates and your enemies claymores then reposition them

    2/ If you dont have the claymore perk you can disable all claymores

    3/ Choppers are disabled. UAV and airstrike is active.

    4/ There are 6 weapon pools dotted round the map that contain various sniper rifles and set ups. This is in addition to the full sniper options that you can select at the start of the map and during the game.

    5/ There are no pistols just rifles.

    6/ Various screams of agony when you kill someone.

    7/ Your claymores do not fade when you respawn, they stay untill defused, destroyed or detonated.

    8/ The ranking system now works on the mod so any rank or challenges obtained whilst playing it are remembered for when you return.

    Hope to see some of you there. I imagine I’ll get totally owned by everybody as I don’t usually play sniper but hey, practise makes perfect.

    Note: it might pay you to delete the “awe” folder from your hardrives as this is the latest version and some people get .iwd arrors when changing maps. once deleted the files are redownloaded (only very small so doesnt take long) and all is good from there on in.

    If you dont delete the awe folder and you get the error, it isn’t the end og the world, just re-connect and you’l get in.

    Best Regards



    Oh aye, this sounds like a laugh!

    I’ll be on for some 🙂

    bytheway what are your Server Details.. and is this for tonight?


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Oh aye, this sounds like a laugh!

    I’ll be on for some 🙂

    bytheway what are your Server Details.. and is this for tonight?

    There you go mate:

    and yes this is for tonight, should be on around 7.00pm hopefully :mrgreen:


    Sorry I missed tonight’s game, but had to watch burn up well worth watching. Will catch up with you guys again.


    @=XDC=ViperGra wrote:

    Sorry I missed tonight’s game, but had to watch burn up well worth watching. Will catch up with you guys again.

    Np Viper, it was really only so we could hone our sniper skills anyway. Having said that, it was a blast :mrgreen:


    ah piss, sorry i missed too, but friday neets curry night, esspecially that time!

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