Source Mapping

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  • #61980

    OK mocked up a quick floor plan sorry for size:

    perhaps save it to disk to get a better look


    Looks good I reckon. you reckon a 2 floor building above ground or one floor above ground and the other underground?


    underground hence the basement with a hole in the wall where the enemy has made a tunnel from inside the drainage pipe leading down to it.
    (need to figure a way for the players to run the gauntlet and not be able to use their tunnel to return with the intelligence [then having to use the remaining drainage tunnel and out in the open to make their way back to base] )
    I put some steps at the back of the shop building (next to the spawn room with the 3 green doors ) that any snipers or engies could get up onto the roof if they so wished (bare in mind I didnt put the overhang shelter in that pic)
    there should be another tunneled hole into the upstairs part of the basement from (lets say) a disable toilet cubilcle (bigger so more plausable) . As I mentioned. Save that pic to disk to get a better overall plane of upper and basement levels


    any progress?
    Oh and by the way can we find the dimensions and file types I need to use to make the decals on our server?


    The files have to be by the power of 2, I think, Gonzo had a topic on their forum about it and you may have seen their banners.

    so things like 1024×128 and so on I think. The file format is the same as the spray logo’s.

    I havent done anything on the mappnig side as been busy i am afraid, sorry.

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