
Home Forums XDC Gaming Gaming – general Steam…Help…Please

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  • #17484

    Got the Orange box today. Put the disc in and installed the steam thingy but it goes onto the internet and says its updating. It only gets about 30% in then goes back to 0% then to 30 then to 0 then says steam not available.

    Ive been relegated to dialup till AOL sorts thier life out and puts in my Broadband so am not sure if this is why. Either way I havent been able to install any of the games from it cos Steam just wont work.

    Please someone help me. You lot are all computer Geniuses so can you help me before i lose my mind. Ive been on all evening trying to get steam working but am at my wits end now. 🙁


    I don’t think you can, it need to connect to finish install.


    i remember my install being extremely weird, it finished by saying it was 60% done – when it was all installed and patched, still does atm in my games list – hmmmm weird


    Leave over night if possible.. watching it will only make things worse


    I usually have to pause the update and then resume it manually by right clicking on them


    Don’t dial ups cut off after an hour now ?


    friend of mine is suddenly getting this on broadband, he’s had steam for ages but moved house (and ISP) it worked fine for a week but since some update it won’t go passed 6%. Another friend has got it from new and can’t install the client at all just freezes on about 30%. They had the same ISP so I said check with them but that proved to be a fruitless exercise. NZ Telecom love to block ports for stuff that has large downloads they brought out an uncapped broadband (amazing concept) package and then blocked all the torrent ports..nice. I still reckon it’s them because they are sh1te.

    Anyway has anyone had this problem and resolved it?

    crazy hippo

    i had something similar a while ago.

    this link has some good suggestions.**&p_li=&p_topview=1

    however this is what worked for me
    Next Step to Try
    If this procedure fails to get things moving, the next step is to exit from Steam and delete the clientregistry.blob file typically located:

    C:Program FilesSteamClientRegistry.blob

    The next time you run Steam it will do a short platform update and then it should finish the game updates.

    Again, be sure to go check all the game properties and make sure they are set to “always keep this game up to date”.

    its in that link but the registry.blob is a known solution and is stated by a number of valve people as solving a lot of issues.


    Cheers Hippo you big Eve player you 🙂

    u still at EA m8?

    crazy hippo

    no, my 11 months of 3 month contrancts ended so i had to leave and i found another job at THQ running their wireless QA. been doing this for just over a year now.

    oh and EA is closing the chertsey office, yes they are leaving the custom built £40 million european headquarters and moving it all to guildford.


    Yea they’ve exhausted the supply of 15 year old herberts that want to do the battery chicken testing summer with sub standard air-con. A fresh supply awaits in Guildford. 🙂

    Miss the industry, not EA.


    Dial up, and AOL 😯 !! Sounds like the service hasn’t changed at all in the last 10 years.

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