TF2 Dedicated server

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  • #17397

    Woot, found it today!

    What is the map order? Do we have Hydro on it atm, as that’s one map which has massive replay value I find, with the different routes thru it.

    What about other server options, timers/ no. of rounds etc


    yeah, can we have a look at the server config file to have a gander at the settings?


    can we also look to installing the mani mod admin tool?

    Makes admining a whole lot easier and fun. I’m pretty sure there is a working version for TF2 ,and i’ve used this tool for admining CS:S and like i said, it takes all the pain away from admining.


    Hope we are going to bang a load of mod maps on, seen some nice looking ones out there.


    scratch that, have a look at the new beetles mod for TF2, looks like it has a LOT better support.

    i’ve noticed that the server only has 5 maps loaded onto it, any chance of configuring the server as we want it?

    I had a few hours on the battle creek mod map this morning, it was just a sniper fest ,not bad for a change of scenery but nothing special. I’m hoping there will be a huge explosion in the amount and quality of mod maps once the SDK if released to the modders.


    5 maps? There were 6 on the original release 😕


    well just looking on the intro page on the server, in the map rotation, it doesn’t list granary or well.

    we need to start adding admins to the admin.cfg file on the server. As i remember you need the admins steam ID# adding


    These are the maps listed as available


    These are the maps currently in the rotation:



    Welcome to the =XDC= Team Fortress 2 server
    Play nice.

    Our map rotation is:


    // Server Details
    hostname “$$name$$”

    // Timelimit
    mp_timelimit $$timelimit$$

    // Passwords
    rcon_password “$$admin_passwd$$”
    sv_password “$$game_passwd$$”

    sv_downloadurl “”
    sv_region 3

    Other settings in the profile:

    Max players: 32
    Time Limit: 20
    Respawn Wave Time: 3

    Cant see any admin mods listed.

    This might help with the server.cfg file:


    can we try a load tonight? try them out, maybe have them running for 10 minutes each and see what we like?


    Thats a loora maps 🙂

    Me and Wolf played a few tonight, just to see. Might I suggest we lock the
    server down one evening and just see what a lot of us think,
    get a good different rotation on?


    really liked that rats one, was a great lugh, some have potential, Wolf is one, we should try a load out one night though


    I did ask when I set the server up what maps you wanted in an other thread.. I’m shit with map names (have been since 1942 *yes I’m that old* )

    Rats map? like the one in CS:Source? where theres big book tables n so forth… crazy map if it is


    Will have to try this map out and see what it is like


    Heh well I added myself as an admin to the admin mod and it seems to work ok, the farting bit is funny lol. same as you can slap ppl taking away their health haha


    yeh we have health slap off so its just a warning, if you add the * prefix to the admin you wont be able to slap other admins as it prevents commands being run on other admins, you dont need to reboot the server if you update the admins.txt file, just run the command in HLSW’s console bm_readadmins and it will update the list/permissions.

    new beetlemod went on today, its worth configuring it and emailing the package for uploaod at your GSP.

    have you played with melee mode in sudden death yet? that seems to have gone down a hit on ours for shits and giggles at the round end 🙂

    this is our setup for BM if you want a gander

    //************ BeetlesMod defaults.cfg TF2 ***********************
    //====================== COMMON SETTINGS =========================
    // Values solution:
    // "0,1" - chose 0 or 1
    // "0" - disable option
    // "1" - enable option
    // "number" - any number to define of amount
    // "cmd" - prepared command line
    // "1-5" - any value from 1 to 5 (1,2,3... etc)
    // "in percents from 0 to 1.0" - value from 0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%)
    // Note: in most common cases "0" is 'disable' and "1" is 'enable' flags

    // (EST, GMT, etc.) Set time zone to display when someone types thetime command
    //TimeZone "EST"
    TimeZone "GMT"

    // (Values: number) Will (if set for example to "1") add an ONE hour to "thetime" command to adjust the time on the server shown for thetime commands
    HoursOffset 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - will set server to use 24H time format instead of AMPM
    bm_use24hourtime 0

    // (Values: number) Will cause server (if set for example to "22") to exec nighttime.cfg during the map changes at 10:00 PM
    NightTimeCfgHour 0

    // (Values: number) Will cause server (if set for example to "10") to exec daytime.cfg during map changes at 10:00 AM
    DayTimeCfgHour 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - uses maplist.txt file from addons/beetlesmod/ folder to list maps for @listmaps and @mapmenu, "0" - searchs maps directory for all maps
    LoadMapsFromFile 0

    //used with LoadMapsFromFile
    bm_MapListFileName "maplist.txt"

    // Change the 'dontloadmaps' filename
    setstring "dontloadmaps" "dontloadmaps.txt"

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - sends advertisements to dead players only
    // If console advertisement given that is a server say message that goes to all players
    AdvertiseDeadOnly 0

    // (Values: 0,number) "180" - (for example) number of seconds to show a TSAY type ADD in top left corner
    //AdDisplayFreq 60 this is advertisments.cfg

    //======================= ADMIN SETTINGS =========================

    // An alternate method of giving admin to players on server
    // Note: client does setinfo _password PASSWORD to get this access
    // 'admin1password' will give *ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 access levels
    // 'admin2password' will give *EGHKLMOQTUWXYZ7FIJPRSV0123457896
    // 'admin3password' will give *FIJPRSV0123457896
    ////admin4password nolonger used...adminpasswords do not work for reserved slots
    Admin1PassWord "*******"
    Admin2PassWord ""
    Admin3PassWord ""
    Admin4PassWord ""

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - disable 'AutoLoadTempAdminsDay'
    LoadTemporaryAdmins 0

    // (Values: 0,number)
    // Note: 'AutoLoadTempAdminsDay' must be used with 'AutoLoadTempAdminsStartHour' and 'AutoLoadTempAdminsEndHour'
    // "0" - load admins from tempadmins.txt on this day
    // AutoLoadTempAdminsDay - 'Day Number' ("3" for example is 'Wednesday') for tempadmins privelegies
    // AutoLoadTempAdminsStartHour - 'Begin hour' for tempadmins privilegies
    // AutoLoadTempAdminsEndHour - 'End hour' for tempadmins privilegies
    AutoLoadTempAdminsDay 0
    AutoLoadTempAdminsStartHour 0
    AutoLoadTempAdminsEndHour 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "0" - ignore admin_immunity on commands that have it built in
    ObeyImmunity 1

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - gives all admins immunity from "autojoin 1"
    // "0" removes all immunity from admins if "autojoin 1"
    //AutoJoinImmunity 1

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - allow 'Non Admins' to use @chat command to send admins a chat msg
    AdminChatFromNonAdmins 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - using @chat command sends msg to all admins if 0 sends to admins with admin_chat access only
    AdminChatToAllAdmins 1

    // (Values: 0,1) "0" - will disallow all uses (except Admins) to use @listmaps command to see maps on server
    AdminListMapsFromNonAdmins 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - makes it so use of admin1password admin2password etc requiers nickname in list
    AdminPasswordRequiresNick 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - will kick someone with a bad password if adminname is set up for that name
    bm_KickForBadPassword 0

    //=============== BANS, RATES AND SECURITY SETTINGS ==============

    // (Values: cmd) Set all connected clients to match server's settings
    // Syntax: bm_SetDefaultRates
    // EXAMPLE: Bm_SetDefaultRates "20" "20" "9999" IF 'bm_adjustrates 3'

    // Note: if bm_adjustrates "1" then server will check rates and set them on each client if
    // any is outside the mins and maxs set via sv_minrate, sv_maxrate, sv_minupdaterate, sv_maxupdaterate
    // If someones rate is lower than 'sv_minrate' it will set it at minrate, if higher than 'sv_maxrate' it will set it at sv_maxrate
    // If 'cl_updaterate' is lower than 'sv_minupdaterate' then its set to 'sv_minupdaterate', same for higher
    // And if 'vm_cmdratematch' is "1" then cl_cmdrate is set equal to 'cl_updaterate'

    // (Values: number) "1440" - automatically bans a player for this period of time for 'kicksforautoban' number of kicks
    // Or any of the autobantime punishments
    AutoBanTime 1440

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - will remember temporary bans even if server is restarted or crashed (after saved at map change)
    bm_RememberTemporaryBans 1

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - backup bans to 'bu_banned_user.cfg' and 'bu_banned_ip.cfg' each map change
    bm_BackUpBans 1

    // (Values: number) "3" - number of kicks required to automatically ban a player for autobantime amount of time
    KicksForAutoBan 3

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" sends bans to all servers added via 'bm_addremoteserver "IP:PORT" "RCONPW"'
    SendBansToAllServers 0

    // (Values: cmd) Set to current servers IP address to filter out for 'bm_addremoteserver' and 'SendBansToAllServers 0'
    //ServersIpAddress ""

    // (Values: cmd) List of remote servers for ban replications
    // bm_addremoteserver "IP:PORT" "RCONPASSWORD"
    // EXAMPLE:
    // bm_addremoteserver "" "pass1server"
    // bm_addremoteserver "" "pass2server"
    // bm_addremoteserver "" "pass3server"

    // (Values: 0,number) Set it to the minimum length name a name can be
    NameMinimumLength 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - will automatically permanantly ban ip and id of anyone comming into server with 'Myg0t' name
    //or with any name listed in bannednames.txt file
    BanMyg0t 1

    // (Values: number) "2" - will permanantly ban ip and id of anyone who 'says' myg0t in chat text twice
    CheckSayMyG0t 2

    // (Values: 0,1) "0" - not allow unicode char names with more than 2 unicode characters in it.
    // This makes it much easier to kick/ban players when needed via typing there name instead of having to use menus
    AllowUniNames 1

    // (Values: 0,1) Change Unicode Names
    // "0" - kick players if AllowUniNames
    // "1" - change there name to UniNamer
    ChangeNames 1

    // (Values: 0,1) - kicks or changes name of players with a % ~ ' ` in there name depending on changenames setting
    AllowPercentName 1

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - disconnect a player with a semi-colon in name as its allowing exploits of servers
    KickForSemiColonName 1

    // (Values: 0,1-4) People who not in clan but have clan's tag in their name gets:
    // "0" - disable
    // "1" - kicked
    // "2" - autobanned
    // "3" - permanantly banned
    // "4" - change name
    ClanTagPunishment 4

    // (Values: 0,number) Control chat spammers
    SpamChecksecs 5

    // (Values: 0,number) Number of spam incidents for autopunish
    SpamCount 10

    //use SetClassLimit "class" "NUMBERMAX" to restrict the number of that class per team
    //if you want to restrict a class.. restrict random to 0 as this bypass's checks for class limits
    //of in other words if you restrict any class random has to be restricted to prevent that from getting around it.
    //-1 is unrestricted . 0 is totally restricted and a positive value is restricted
    //to that number per team (both teams the same number).
    //The Third Parameter is a percentage of PlayersMax/2 required on that team to allow that class at all..
    //then its the second parameters max on that team.
    //SetClassLimit "scout" "2" "0.25" ///this would on a 24 player server not allow ANY scouts until
    //theres 3 players (.25 * PlayersMax/2) or more on that team,then it will allow 2 scouts max per team
    //SetClassLimit "sniper" "2" "0.0" will allow 2 snipers max

    SetClassLimit "random" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "scout" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "sniper" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "heavyweapons" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "soldier" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "demoman" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "spy" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "medic" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "pyro" "-1" "0.0"
    SetClassLimit "engineer" "-1" "0.0"

    // (Values: 0,1) Kick Player if name contains a word from addons/beetlesmod/wordlist.txt 0 to disable
    NameSwearKick 0

    //values 0,-1, positive value..0 to disable, -1 to replace curses from addons/beetlesmod/wordlist.txt with **** in text
    //if set to a positive value it will kick someone if they trigger it that many times
    swearkick -1

    //values (0,Positive number of seconds ) set to 1 to have players respawn immediately after dying..5 to spawn by 5 if havent yet.
    //bm_FastRespawn 0 or positive value
    bm_FastRespawn 5

    //values (red,blue) (0,Positive number of seconds ) set to 1 to have players respawn immediately after dying..5 to spawn by 5 if havent yet for that team
    //uncomment these (remove //) to use individual team respawn amounts
    //bm_FastRespawnTeam Blue 5
    //bm_FastRespawnTeam Red 5

    //values (0,1) set to 1 to have fastrespawn forced respawns..0 to use original method.
    bm_UseForcedRespawnforFastRespawn 1

    addhappysaying "Clan Desert Rats are the best clan in the world"
    addhappysaying "This Server Rules!!!"
    addhappysaying "I love BeeltesMod. it's a great admin plugin!!!"
    addhappysaying "I love the admins here, I wonder if they would kick me?"
    addhappysaying "help me....I cant say what I want!"
    addhappysaying "I wish i was as good as the rest of you, maybe one day"

    //values (0,1) bm_UseIpOnlyforAdmin 1/0 default=1 ..beetlesmodTF2 uses IP Address instead of Ip:Port for checking for admins
    //tf2 +clientport doesnt appear to work so I defaulted beetlesmod to use IP only instead of IP:Port ..
    //set this to 0 to use IP:port again
    bm_UseIpOnlyforAdmin 1

    ////////////reservedslot settings
    //values (0,positive value) default 0
    //set reservedslot to the number of reservedslots you want.
    //reservedslots will kick someone into the server if they are in the last slots of the server..
    // if you have 2 reservedslots ..then when the server has 22 ppl in it (24 man server) then when the 23 or 24th
    // person in joins..if they are an admin then the server will let them ..if not it will kick them
    // if they are an admin and it lets them in..then if reservedmode 1 will continuously kick a player to open a free slot 0 to only kick a player on connect if nonadmin
    // in other words.. 1 will keep opening a slot..reservedmode 0 will will restart kicking when someone leaves
    reservedslot 0

    //bm_QuickKickReservedSlot 1 will kick someone immediately upon joinging if not a reserveslot holder when full.
    // but sometimes it kicks an admin this will allow to disable if need be.
    bm_QuickKickReservedSlot 1

    //values 0,1
    //reservedmode 1 will continuously kick a player to open a free slot 0 to only kick a player on connect if nonadmin
    // in other words.. 1 will keep opening a slot..reservedmode 0 will will restart kicking when someone leaves
    ReservedMode 0

    //values (0,1)//
    //if 1 SetMaxVisible Sets sv_visiblemaxplayers to PlayersMax-ReservedSlot if 0 it leaves sv_visiblemaxplayers alone
    setmaxvisible 0

    //use bm_addpreferredplayer to add a player to findanonadmintokickforreservedslot list
    //bm_addpreferredplayer "STEAMID" can be added from here or admins.txt file.


    //set +bm_config MyServerPath in launch options to use tf/myserverpath/cfg/beetlesmod/ for all files admins.txt and cfg files etc
    //+bm_config MyServerPath ..use this as a startup option.
    //setting this here will not work well.

    //values (0,damageamount)amount of default damage to inflict for @slap
    //slapdamage 0

    //====================== DATABASE SETTINGS =======================

    // Connection Settings
    ServerId "0" // Used for sql adminlist and bans filtering
    MySqlHostName "" // Host name for mysql database for adminlist and bans
    MySqlUserName "" // User name for mysql database for adminlist and bans
    MySqlDataBaseName "" // Database name for mysql database for adminlist and bans
    MySqlPassword "" // Password for mysql database for adminlist and bans
    MySqlPort "3306" // (Optional! Host port for mysql database for adminlist and bans)

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - will disable using mysql to download setadminlevel commands
    // If you use MySQL for this, remove setadminlevel commands from cfg files
    bm_DontUseSqlLevels 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - will DISABLE using the mysql database to load admins (uses local admins.txt file)
    bm_DontUseSqlAdmins 0

    // (Values: 0,1) "1" - will DISABLE using the mysql database to load and save bans
    bm_dontusesqlbans 0

    //use these commands to create the needed tables
    //I have a mysql program for externally connecting to the mysql database and allows you to
    //change add delete admins,bans etc

    //values (0,1)//automatic map votes (mp_timelimit)
    AutoMapVotes 1

    //Amount of time for mp_timelimit hit to start a mapvote
    AutoVoteMapTime 5.0

    //values (0,1,2,3) Allow Voting 1 Admin Only,2 Anyone When No Admin ,3 Anyone
    Allowvoting 2

    //VoteFrequency seconds after a vote someone can @votemap(s) again
    VoteFrequency 180

    //"Percentage of players needed for mapvoteS");
    VoteMapsPercent "0.35"

    //"Percentage of players needed for single mapvote");
    VoteMapPercent "0.35"

    //values 0,1 Picks a random map from mapcycle for nextmap
    bm_randommapcycle 0

    //DontIncludeLastMaps (values 0,positive number of the last maps played not to include in votemaps
    DontIncludeLastMaps 3

    //ExtendTimeLimit 20 NUMBER or minutes to extend map if extend wins map vote
    ExtendTimeLimit 10

    //values (0,number of ppl needed to nominate a amp) 0 disabled.1 or more to require that many ppl to nominate a map
    //admin_nominate admin level overrides this if enabled
    NumberOfNominationsToAddMap 0


    //Values (0,1) //allow use of decals in map
    bm_usedecals 1

    //maximum pings allowed if set to 150 ..any ones ping above 150 for maxpingchecks number of checks gets kicked
    maxping 200
    maxpingchecks 30

    //values (0,maxmins)set to maximum minutes to allow non admin to stay in specate
    allowminutesinspectate 10

    bm_TimeLeftAnnouncement "2.0" "centersay #TIMELEFT# Minutes Left. Next Map is #NEXTMAP#"

    //values (0,1)set to 1 to allow disabling of someones spray.
    //bm_trapspray 1 will crash on some servers. to find out if it will..enable it.then go into server and spray your spray, if its going too, it will then.
    bm_trapspray 0

    //bm_cleartasks to remove tasks from memory..this should be executed each map before adding any bm_tasks

    //use bm_task like this:
    //bm_task "06:00" "admin_csay Good Morning!!!"
    //bm_task "map_start_plus" "admin_csay Current Map is #CURRENTMAP#" "20"
    //valid 'events' for bm_task round_start,round_start_plus,round_end,round_end_plus,map_start,map_start_plus

    //values (0,1) set bm_UseSuddenDeathMeleeOnly 1 to only use melee weapons in sudden death.
    bm_UseSuddenDeathMeleeOnly 1

    //values 0,1 bm_forcechangemaptimelimitover 1 will force a map change when the mp_timelimit is hit
    //should be used on sz_ maps that dont have round_end events
    //leave it set to 0 here and set it to 1 in mapname.cfgs for maps that this applys to.
    bm_forcechangemaptimelimitover 0

    //values 0,1 bm_Restrictsentriessuddendeath 1 restricts sentry building during sudden death (melee only does this automatically)
    bm_Restrictsentriessuddendeath 1

    //values one of these: "random" "sniper" "scout" "soldier" "heavyweapons" "pyro" "spy" "engineer" "medic" "demoman"
    //if set to a class name it will switch everyone to that class during when sudden death triggers
    bm_switchallsuddendeathclass ""

    //values 0,1 bm_RestrictSpyDisguseSuddenDeath 1 to stop spys from disguishing during sudden death melee
    bm_RestrictSpyDisguseSuddenDeath 1

    //values (0,UPTOMAXPLAYERS) bm_MinimumPlayersToPickupFlagRequired 4 requires 4 ppl in server to allow people to hold onto flag
    bm_MinimumPlayersToPickupFlagRequired 2

    //setstring DominatingAnnounce "%s is Dominating!!!"
    SetString DominatingAnnounce ""

    //values (2,7) number of mapstobringupfor @votemaps
    NumberMapsToVote 4

    //values (0,1,2,3,4) Type of output for chat commandslike 0-bsay,1csay,2tsay,3chat
    ChatCommandOutputType 3

    //values (0,1,2) ShowChatCommands("ShowChatCommands","1",0,"1 =Show Admins Commands To All admins 0=self only 2 =none");
    ShowChatCommands "1"

    //if you put custommenu.txt file in addons/beetlesmod/ folder then uncomment these 2 say triggers to
    //use radio to bring up a list of radio stations to choose from.
    addsaytrigger "radio" "1 custommenu hard rock;" "6"
    addsaytrigger "off" "1 browse about:blank;" "6"
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