TF2 half price

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    There’s a “Manconomy” update for TF2 atm where they’ve released a type of micropayment system for stuff in game (cosmetic stuff and fast track unlocks only), which is fine etc, but more significantly the game itself is currently available at half price on Steam (£6.99). I don’t know for how long it’ll be like this, but it’s possible someone hasn’t got it around here and may enjoy it (particularly since it doesn’t require a top of the range PC). For the best game in recent years, if not ever, it’s still got a lot of life in it due to continuous development, and 7 quid is a bargain.


    Half price again over the weekend at least as a halloween deal. There’s also a pretty cool wee halloween update out as well at the moment.


    I just realised in the game I’ve had with Doc this evening that this game’s been out now for 3 years, and it’s still as popular, and as playable as ever. Just mentioning that in case anyone’s concerned they’ll not get value out of buying an “old” game, because it’s not really that old given the constant updates which have effectively been expansions.

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