The best class in any game, from any time

Home Forums XDC Gaming Planetside 2 The best class in any game, from any time

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  • #20339

    What a claim to make! This is honestly my opinion though, this beats the soldier from TF2, the assault class from BF3, and the medic from BF1942! Planetside 2, the game without TV worthy graphics, and with thousands of people playing on one server where you have no chance; has actually served up what I consider the most fun I’ve ever had in over 15 years of online gaming. This is what you can do with some thought in this game and, believe me, it’s not a rare event!


    Full link:

    Again I apologise for the 1080 version of this which drops significantly when I post on youtube, mainly because of the screen and settings I play on, but it’s decent enough.

    Like, comment, and subscribe as always 🙂


    Good video, Like’d commented and subscribed. 🙂

    crazy hippo

    I really enjoyed watching that. I tried to sort out my PS2 account a while ago but for some reason its fubared and I need to contact SOE to get it sorted


    Thanks guys, and glad you enjoyed it 🙂

    Do you have any boosts or station cash on your character John, or had you progressed any decent amount? It doesn’t really take that long to get yourself up to say level 15 or 20 when you can start having a bit more survivability and have more tools at your disposal. If you squad up with me you’ll also get a slight passive XP boost from the alpha squad boost I still have plugged in. I didn’t realise you’d tried this game though, were you playing for long?

    crazy hippo

    I played it a fair bit in beta but since it released I haven’t been able to play. I just sorted out my account as I had to create a shitty german SOE nonsense account or whatever it is in order to play as my station account wouldn’t work. so have been giving it a blast but it feels more sluggish than I remember it being


    I take it you don’t mean sluggish as in graphically, because the game has recently had some pretty good performance updates, but if it’s movement you’re talking about it may just be relative to maybe BF4. I recall feeling that BF3 or maybe BF4 beta felt sluggish to me or there being something not quite right about the movement after playing PS2 for a while and then switching games, but if the feeling went away after a few sessions.

    Which servers are you on btw and which faction? Hopefully I can join you.

    crazy hippo

    I just dropped graphics to low and its much better.

    im on Vanu Sovereignty – Ceres which I got from one of the other posts. hopefully you actually play on there somewhat


    Oh yea brilliant I have my highest ranked character on there. Been playing a lot of terran lately to take advantage of the outfit there, and a bit on miller to catch up a bit with my mc character but I still really like vanu. Should be online in a bit if you fancy a game, i’ll be on ts.


    Vanu scum.


    Terran scum too, my TR character’s catching up fast on vanu, but also been enjoying NC quite a bit recently, especially given that awesome SMG in the video.


    Oh and line I’ve seen you’ve been active recently, when do you normally play?


    im on most days mate. play as nc. really need a group of people and some sort of game plan. 10 of us could really do some damage in this game.


    How are you recording the video?


    I normally use MSI afterburner but lately I’ve been using shadowplay, which everyone with an Nvidia card has access to. So far I’ve found Shadowplay superior or the same, in every way.


    I have afterburner but cant find anyway to record with it. will try shadowplay.

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