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    On the subject of Spunkers post re D9, anyone watching this? Started last week and started ok tbh, theres naked boobs and shagging in it which is a bonus for a first episode!” onclick=”;return false;

    In short its about vampires living amongst humans

    xdc magicker

    I refer the right honourable gentleman to his previous post


    great show..

    I am working my way through the books which are also very good.

    season 2 is available via the usual suspects


    your search engine is toss! ok ok i might have missed a space out, but come on.. it should list it surely??

    anyhoos as most us shows we get em years on, I’d normally download if i could be arsed, its just easier to SkyHD+ it and watch when convenient.. now if it was spectacular spiderman, Batman brave and the bold, Iron Man etc, then i’d go out of my way 🙂


    For no apparent reason, here’s a list of the vampires I reckon I could have in a fight:

    1) The little girl vampire from ‘Interview with a Vampire’.

    2) The big fat blob of a vampire from ‘Blade’.

    3) Alex Winter in Lost Boys.

    4) ‘The Count’ from ‘Sesame Street’.

    5) David Bowie.


    That’s a pretty impressive list Neon, but I’m pretty sure you could take on most vampires if it came down to it.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you put me in charge I will make vampire hunting legal in this country. You’ll be able to get a formal qualification and everything and my government would pay you to travel around and hunt these idiots down.

    Here is how you identify a vampire:

    • They all have pale skin and dyed black hair.
    • They have dark crap on their fingernails and round their eyes which they think makes them look imposing but actually makes them look like they’re puddle jumpers
    • They think they’re sensitive and no-one understands them
    • They all express their individuality in exactly the same way
    • They have absolutely and utterly god awful taste in music
    • Female vampires are invariably fat – no wonder male Goths, erm I mean vampires, are such miserable c***s
    • They think they look like vampires, as opposed to complete twats.
    • Anyone with a Marilyn Manson t-shirt on is clearly a vampire sympathiser and is fair game for vampire hunters

    Here is how you catch vampires

    • Drive around in your vampire hunting van with the windows down playing “Temple of Love” and look out for anyone who breaks out in shit dancing.
    • Set up a stall selling crap pointy boots, black cowboy style hats and any clothing with netting on it. ** Warning ** This will draw them out so fast you’ll probably be overrun by the maudlin fuckers.
    • Go to Whitby

    Here is how you deal with a vampire

    • Kick it’s face off (remember to wipe all that crap they cover themselves in off your shoes).

    Unfortunately, though – the only way this will happen is if I’m in charge. Unbelievably, if you go to your local town hall with this idea you’re called a reprehensible bigot! For trying to make the world a better place!

    The world’s gone mad.

    xdc magicker




    but neon couldnt put the cat out, never mind a vampire!


    Looks good. What channel is it on? and what time? I may have to series link it 😀


    FXHD if you have it or normal, 10pm on Fridays.. or is it Thursday.. no its Friday

    3rd episode this week so you may need to d/l first 2 online 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:


    but neon couldnt put the cat out, never mind a vampire!

    Pfft! Somebody seems to be forgeting that giant razorback boar I brought down with smallarms fire:

    But a worthy idea by SOIA. Those fucking go… vampires piss me off, ever since I failed to get off with a fit one I liked at college. The number of fucking awesome jokes and witticisms I wasted on her, and not even a chuckle. It was like my best man’s speech all over again.

    Oh and I’ve done some proper research on vampires and there’s only 3 real way to make one pop its clogs. Forget garlic, holy water or sunlight, the only genuine ways to kill a vampire are:

    1) Piercing the heart.
    2) Decapitation.
    3) Incineraton.

    So if you suspect that some emo kid might be a vampire, why not try one of those? If they do indeed shuffle off their mortal coil then you’ve just bagged a blood sucker, but if they don’t die then you’re probably in a lot of trouble and should leave the country.


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    FXHD if you have it or normal, 10pm on Fridays.. or is it Thursday.. no its Friday

    3rd episode this week so you may need to d/l first 2 online 🙂

    Nice one mate


    your welcome


    you‘re welcome


    Fanx, but I dunt fink I axed nuffink fur yur kind wurdz


    Burn him!

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