I’m of the opinion that in any mmo you should concentrate on one thing at a time, build up one class to max, and then diversify. Maybe experiment a little at the start but once you know the basics for each class, then reinforce your strongest, then come back to others as you learn more about the game. So far i’ve stuck to this philosophy and upgraded heavy assault quite a bit, but i’m also thinking about the team options we have atm so been looking at what I can do with the galaxy. I can fly it fairly well now and I think using it to transport a vocal squad around the map is the name of the game atm, but I have a dilemma. I’ve got 150 spare cert poimts which would more or less max out heavy assault, but I pumping the lot into galaxy acquisition timers and sime flight options would really help when we do get our squad together again. I have also upgraded the reaver a little and wonder should I fire 100 certs into flares so that I kight stand half a chance learning it.
Can anyone help me decide?