Funny ol world, there I was pwning folks on Battlefield 1943 on Xbox, when up pops a voice message asking was my tag related to Xtremely Drunken C**ts, and was I Gavin? yes although never proven I replies but no I’m not Gavin…
anyhoos a few chats later, it turns out this fella is original XDC material from RS days.. maybe some of you remember him, nice fella and plays the game the proper way, anyhoos I asked him to pop by and say hello, whether he will I dunno as he seemed to think people wouldnt recognise him, I told him the ol “you never leave” so who knows
apparently there was an XDC insane before me, which i didnt know, had I known back then, I’d have not chosen it, and never spotted any evidence to suggest this.. 🙂
*nice, just noticed we can post stickys too*