XDC Uni13: Do we want to bother allying with these people?

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  • #15112
    four-aces deluxe

    AC (Ancient Clans) have asked for some kind of alliance with us.


    They seem a fairly sound bunch of people.
    They helped us out once with finding someone.
    It would give us trusted people to trade with.

    Some people say there is nothing to be gained by limiting potential future targets and that NAP/Alliances are better on a 1-to-1 basis.
    They are much weaker than us [except for the 2 founding members] and it’s not apparent what benefit an alliance would be to us.
    They are allied with a few other people which might complicate things in future.

    four-aces deluxe

    Personally I’m with those who prefer to keep things on an informal level with personal trade deals or NAPS and that’s how I voted [sorry hippie] but I said i would ask all of you. hippie their guy that suggested this is a good guy but I can’t see any benefit to be gained from this. Perhaps our weaker members would see this differently though and would benefit from a few extra friends around.


    Agree with 4 aces. Personal deals is defintely the way forward. Dont want the limited targets around my way to be shrunk any further.

    xdc magicker

    we need targets not friends


    Can you be any gheyer! 😀

    four-aces deluxe

    Well I could put my black leather Darth Vader outfit on and try to do a Freddie Mercury impression; how ghey do you want me to be? 😉


    No to the allies stuff.

    Ignore Insane as he is “a gay” but just not trendy ones like us 😀


    I like personal nap’s only.


    i go with the informal.
    i have agreed not to attack hippie or ed the magus.
    i don’t really care what the rest of you do that’s between you and them.

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