Any idea how to stop the game playing those intro movies ? I’ve renamed them from .bik to .old, i’ve added extra letters to the names so that intro is now called iintro etc i’ve even placed them into another folder but still the damn movies play 😈
I know that EA/Dice want to advertise their name but ffs i know who they are! I don’t need reminding it was them who produced the game…i just want to get in and play the bloody thing.
I do recall there was a command you could put at the end of the command line; something like restart+1……any ideas what it is and if it works or indeed any other ideas how to remove those damn movies.
yeah thanks guys…………the problem wasn’t with renaming etc it was to do with the fact i’ve still got the “test” BF2142 on my pc and i was changing the files in the wrong folder!! I’ve since sorted it and its all ok, i normally rename them .old instead of.bik but i guess anything will work.