BF3 PC Review

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  • #79611

    On my phone so short and sweet!

    screen clutter
    Bunny hopping
    Insta prone
    No class limits
    Real fast gameplay ( I’m old don’t ya know)
    59 bullets to kill someone

    42 had sweet gameplay, as did bf2, a bit slower with decent maps allowing different approaches. To me bc2 felt like a corridor shooter.
    Loved defending caps in 42, nam & bf2

    If the gameplay is a bit like any of the above I might give it a go, may not be for a while though as i was out of work for three months in the early part of the year, so me spending money on a game may get my testicles removed!

    Thx for the input 8)


    Most people were complaining (in Beta) that the kill time was too quick, not the half a mag like BC2. Has this been adjusted in release then?

    xdc the doc

    I aint seen you on RO2 much NOM – did you not like it when it did get released?


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    I aint seen you on RO2 much NOM – did you not like it when it did get released?

    my pc struggles with RO (dont know why, as ppl with the same gfx card had decent fps, on a fresh install on win7 too, spent nigh on three weeks trying to get the fecker to run) and to be honest the maps were a bit meh, funny as i played the bf3 beta on med settings fine (for the 5 mins i could stomach on Metro)

    I shall wait for Sprog to give me his feedback as he is also a miserable old fecker 😀


    You would be wise to do exactly that nom……if I’m out in 2 days and back on FIFA on the xbox £1300 lighter

    (and will prob buy bf3 on xbox in some stoned unaware haze at some stage too……it’s happened before having bought every fuckin edition of cod having given not one of em longer than ten minutes)

    You will be the first to know 😀

    theres a very good chance thats exactly what will happen…….but hey windows will boot up super quick eh 🙄

    Forget your specs lists……you are about to find out everything you need to know about BF3

    wise choice indeed sir;)


    @=XDC=Sprog wrote:

    You would be wise to do exactly that nom……if I’m out in 2 days and back on FIFA on the xbox £1300 lighter

    (and will prob buy bf3 on xbox in some stoned unaware haze at some stage too……it’s happened before having bought every fuckin edition of cod having given not one of em longer than ten minutes)

    You will be the first to know 😀

    theres a very good chance thats exactly what will happen…….but hey windows will boot up super quick eh 🙄

    Forget your specs lists……you are about to find out everything you need to know about BF3

    wise choice indeed sir;)

    Remember i dont fuckin fly!!!!!!! 😉


    I will keep an eye on the tanks and report back 😉


    screen clutter
    Bunny hopping
    Insta prone
    No class limits
    Real fast gameplay ( I’m old don’t ya know)
    59 bullets to kill someone

    I’m going to try and answer this for you honestly nom.

    The bf3 screen is not as cluttered as in BC2 when comparing spotting being on, but sometimes it does look cluttered with default settings (which we need to use atm on our server). It gets in the way, but for me it’s a minor grievance.

    Bunny hopping – I’ve been called a bunny hopper for jumping in response to being shot before, so this is probably about as contentious a definition as base camping used to be, but lets look at it from a technical point of view. I’ve seen people jumping around like a bunny but so far the hit detection system has kept track with it. There was a problem in bf2 as the game’s hit detection was shit, but it’s a lot better now and bunny hopping for me is not an issue in the slightest because I can normally aim to compensate.

    Insta prone – gone, along with swan diving. Added to this, it’s slower to move your view while prone, and it takes a significant amount of time to get back on your feet.

    Class limits – too early to comment on this. Class limits are always server specific though, and whether we decide to implement them depends on how we find the game balance. So far I can honestly say I’ve felt the classes are evenly balanced. I’ve not even been pissed off by sniper’s that much yet. Watch this space though as guns are unlocked.

    Game Pace – I’ve thought about this, and the game has changed in pace I think only in that the spawn timer is shorter than in bf42. That’s the only change as far as I’m concerned. Close quarter fighting is as fast paced as it ever was. You can still pick where you spawn, and you can still end up walking 600 miles to a flag (though the maps are much better these days). The pace of the close combat is different than engy vs engy in bf42 though, which was basically throw a spanner at each other until someone scored a hit. These days the engy gets a good gun and has almost overtaken assault/medic as my class of choice. My views aside though, you’ll find this game as pacey as BC2.

    59 bullets to kill someone – what can I say to this. I remember BF42 and my medic’s potato gun, and it took a lot to kill ppl sometimes. Learn to aim and it doesn’t take 59 bullets. It’s not realistic in that 1 or 2 shots puts someone on the floor, but it’s balanced nicely as a game. It doesn’t take a lot to kill ppl, and the game allows headshots, and the hit detection in that deptartment I’ve found to be good so far. If it takes you 59 bullets to kill and your aim’s good, you need to question your connection. BF42 was much worse than this, and I think this point has been mentioned due to how used you’ve become to RO.

    Loved defending caps in 42, nam & bf2

    So did I, and I loved attacking in equal measure. I have to say that defending by yourself has changed due to the dynamic they introduced, a few bf titles ago, that when contesting a flag, the side with more players takes it. You can no longer hide in a bush and block a cap, like in ’42. This changes the way you play generally, but there are still rare moments that you can pop up and kill the 3 or 4 enemies who’re in the process of capping. It’s harder than in BF42 though, and likewise it’s harder to attack solo. Overall the game promotes a lot more teamplay than older titles, and it really makes a difference being on ts…at least in how you perceive the teamplay 🙂


    very well summed up for me


    Thanks Alzir 😀

    Seems like it may be fun.

    Probably me but in 42, although it took several shots to kill ppl it felt like skill, for me bf2/bc2 felt like luck.

    I still think in my very small mind i was the best ‘non tank driving engi’ ever in 42, fuck, Maxs scores would have been pitiful without me repairing his arse (or blowing it up)

    Before shelling out money i aint got, i will see what Sprog thinks, if it is in any way positive i will give it a go 🙂

    Max, your ea/dice’s bitch, but i love you.

    Again thanks for taking the time to post the above Alzir (tbh i think i will try it)

    love n kisses nOm


    Tried this out on hire for the weekend on xbox360 until the new rig comes and I have to say I would be lying if I wasn’t a little bit concerned having blapsed out £1300

    How anyone manages to cap anyone on a controller is beyond me…..the only game that came close to being playable as a shooter is anything rockstar do……aim…..shoot……aim shoot……flick up for a headshot.

    This game is the same as any other shooter on a console I have played…….I get butchered…..don’t know where from…….it might as well have been that pretty paper bag blowing about in the wind so beautifully far as I can see.

    That said all is not lost…….I know keyboard and mouse is a different beast……I know squading up pays it’s own rewards,offering support, ammo,repairing is the role I can see myself doing on the pc…….leave the Rambo stuff to your max’s and others.

    I played caspian border and that feels like a BF map should feel….. Was prone and a couple of times people ran straight past me,I had a nice little encounter with tank where I nearly capped him,and there are plenty of nice angles from which to protect and hold a base,that should be a corker of a map, and I’m sure there are plenty more great moments to come.

    But bugger me sideways if I can play this on xbox…….played four games just now……I’m averaging out at 10 deaths for every 1 kill I’m makin…….and I’m normally makin only 1 kill in a round…….normally it’s another Noobie just like me with his sensitivity too high runnin into a room backwards checking out the light bulbs when he was meant to go running in forwards covering the angles…….man down man down !!!

    Too frustrating by far……..but I’m not ready to throw in my Arab towel just yet,I scored a lovely slit throat knife kill last night, and the water looks just amazing !!!

    it’s all about the pc……..and as others have mentioned, your metro maps and the close quarter battles won’t be for everyone,but if I can find more of this moments albeit very brief on the larger maps,true battlefield moments,die respawn,save the day with he help of your squad………. there may well be enough to maintain my attention until i can get over the learning curve, and start cappin some foo’s for real.

    Xbox review…….looks ok,if I had to rear some pigs,grow some vegetables to get some money to allow me to buy more pigs, this would be great……….gettin capped from the shadows whilst you are Also trying to stay low in those very same shadows ?? Not so great !!!

    so much attention to detail and it all looks so realistic, I can’t tell an enemy soldier apart from a fruit crate…….I’m great at taking those out btw……..perhaps there’s a ribbon for it ?

    Rankin up quickly……bonus !!

    Steep steep learning curve ahead of me……I have to persevere I have blown a lot of money for the privilege of a 1-10 kill death ratio at the minute…….I will be interested to see what I can keep it down too on the pc version…….all of my eggs at the minute are in me being able too control the air vehicles I reckon…….new joystick,choppers…….gotta be a piece o piss right ? 😯

    Xbox 360 rating if you can play these games with a controller. 9/10

    Xbox 360 rating for ageing non epileptics like myself. 4.5/10. (gets half a point as its prob the best explosions seen yet on this console)


    Aye i can`t play shooters on a console, i end up running around looking at the sky….. can only play car games and boob raider type of games on those things….


    Same here Sprog, I just cant play console fps, I get pasted all the time! Theres some thing about cursor keys and a mouse that feels so right so have faith, your money will be well spent! Its a different game as play goes, compared to the later, as its heavily reliant on squad based workmanship! Of course I like to go rambo from time to time! 😀

    xdc the doc

    Had first games last night.

    GFX – awesome.

    Sound: Super awesome.

    Blowing up Ben every time he gets in a tank: Uber awesome.

    Same old shit but smoother, prettier and more intense.

    8.5/10 I would say – get in there.

    Wouldnt mind the odd game of RO2 sometimes as well though – different beast. Really surprised you aint liking it Nom.

    Oh -and pleasantly surprised by the campaign game. Is no one else finding it pretty good?


    only 8.5/10 – i reckon atleast 9.0/9.5 – this is the number one fps this year and for some time yet (if you excuse RO)

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