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  • #15601
    XDC MadHippy

    Why waste money on prosecuting these people?? Why can’t the police go catch violent offenders/sex offenders etc etc

    Petition here


    I suppose they are trying to set an example – how can you uphold a law when you allow certain groups to break it. Its a toughie

    XDC MadHippy

    All I’m saying is I do not think it is in the public’s interest to see these people prosecuted. Shit, They’ll probably get super light sentences anyway. A waste of taxpayers money. The law IS there for a reason however in this case I feel there are more pressing issues to worry about in the UK.

    Appreciate the reply tho Turks 😉


    broke the law = deserved punishment. No if’s or buts. A more valid question would be, should th elaw be changed?

    xdc the doc

    The law needs to be changed and brave people like these guys by putting their ass on the line might help change it…. more so than windbags on forums at any rate.

    It makes my blood boil when I see the damage done to this country by our draconian drug policy. I say legalise all drugs, tax them at a reasonable rate and legalise prostitution while we are at it. Mark my words in 10 years time society would be 20 times better as a result.


    Our laws are designed to prosecute the law abiding and not criminals.


    I once made Cornflake cakes with an added special ingredient ( I suffer from finding TV boring) so I ate a couple of them , then I got the munchies and then ate the rest of them , this was a bit of a mistake as I found out in the morning still more than a little stoned and then having to go to work.



    I ate some ‘special’ cookies at a friends party on a Friday night, and ended up eating half of them. Firts time I ever got stoned and it lasted until half way through Monday. Two days of paranoia ain’t great 😕


    My friend brought a hash cake home from a party, and left it in the kitchen, only to find her mother off her face later on- having eaten it… apparently it was most amusing!

    xdc the doc

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    My friend brought a hash cake home from a party, and left it in the kitchen, only to find her mother off her face later on- having eaten it… apparently it was most amusing!

    ROFL is that for real? How the fuck do you explain that one to mum afterwards? Lol.


    sounds very urban myth to me 🙄
    My folks actually came back from a trip to Amsterdam having got Stoned in a coffee shop with some nice hash fudge. My old dear found it most amusing


    Legalising drugs is madness.


    Yet sugar and caffeine are legal and are drugs, but more harmfull to the nation!! Country full of fat bastards with heart disease, diabetes and irate!!


    Legalising drugs is madness

    I agree just think how much the bastards will tax the doob!

    XDC MadHippy

    @Lensman wrote:

    Legalising drugs is madness.

    Does that include alcohol and tobacco? Very harmful drugs there? I should know. I stopped smoking cannabis as it was illegal in this country. Instead I drink and after havin so many ‘Meetings’ for work in the pub I find alcohol to be a bit of a problem for me now. However, It is excepted here and what other choice do I have. Cannabis is just another plant that grows (just like tobacco) and requires no chemical refinement (Unlike some other substances)

    So where’s the problem in legalising it’s use??? Especially for medical purposes?

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