Oi Pharty! TeamSpeak sucks ass compared to Ventrilo.

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    Used Dazzer’s Ventrilo server last night, initially so I could talk to n0m who I see online playing ArmA but who doesn’t use TS…

    A lot of you will know me from TS and remember making these comments about me on there: –

    “Get a new mic”
    “Turn on your mic”
    “Turn the volume up”
    “Sounds like you’re under water”
    “Are you in a submarine?”
    “Speak louder”

    Yeah, that’s Fenix on TS. Well, how about this for Ventrilo: –

    “Turn the volume down, mate”
    “Like I’m stood next to you”
    “Turn it down a shade more… Yeah that’s it: perfect”

    Ventrilo was amazing. It didn’t suffer stutter during game/map loads and it sounded awesome.

    Dump TeamSpeak as soon as possible, please.



    Mate, this has been on the cards for some time now, Nom & Daz, have asked me to sort it. I will ask Multiplay if we can swith the TS channels for both servers (RO & BF) to ventrillo, I have not done it yet because I am working 12 – 14 hours most days since before xmas, and am too tired to think by the time I get home.

    I will drop them an email now


    Hello Chaps

    I would like to know if it is possible to swap my clan’s two Team Speak servers for Ventrilo servers. The server accounts are as follows.

    BF2142 Server account = ASID[5693] MH5693

    Red Orchestra Server = ASID[5695] MH5695




    Ventrillo sucks donkeys balls.

    I am trying to get hold of the server files for the TS3 Beta and get Minti to run a sever a spare machine he has.

    I have used vent a few times and still think it’s shite


    Never used ventrillo, but i cant say ive ever had any problems with TS, Ventrillo sounds like Armadillo.


    What gripes are there with Ventrilo apart from it sounding like everybody’s favourite armour-plated quadroped?

    I installed it once before and uninstalled it again before I ever connected to anything because I was confused by the settings.

    However, it’s not hard at all, and I managed it in about 45 seconds flat, yesterday.

    Pharty, old man, your ointment is in the post. Cheers for sending the email off.

    -Fenix out.


    Okay fellows, it is actually a doddle, I can switch the comms servers between Ventrilo and TS.

    So give Ventrilo a try. Then we can have a vote.



    So its on Ventrilo now? This is going to confuse the feck out of loads of people. How about a few days warning and say switching it for a days testing over the weekend? 😉

    Also you might want to think about using a different password than the server admin one. Esp as we have TS regulars who aren’t XDC?

    Btw I mean the 2142 comms server.


    So is teh password for Vent the same as TS?
    if not what the fook is it?


    @Wipers wrote:

    So its on Ventrilo now? This is going to confuse the feck out of loads of people. How about a few days warning and say switching it for a days testing over the weekend? 😉

    Also you might want to think about using a different password than the server admin one. Esp as we have TS regulars who aren’t XDC?

    Btw I mean the 2142 comms server.

    A very good idea, but arrgggggggggggg. I will have to resetup the TS server. I cannot do it right now, got to hand in a project plan and proposal 1st think in the morning. I will do it when I get home.

    The passwor dis spango, we can change it back to testicles or summat.

    Wipey, if you want to change it now, feel free. You do it via clanforge — account — extras

    Easy enuff for me to figure so a rocket scientist like you should find it easy


    I have heard that Vent is alot clearer than TS…….BUT does it work on 😈 VISTA 👿


    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    A very good idea, but arrgggggggggggg. I will have to resetup the TS server. I cannot do it right now, got to hand in a project plan and proposal 1st think in the morning. I will do it when I get home.

    The passwor dis spango, we can change it back to testicles or summat.

    Wipey, if you want to change it now, feel free. You do it via clanforge — account — extras

    Easy enuff for me to figure so a rocket scientist like you should find it easy

    Ok I’ve changed the Vent password to: temp
    like the TS one.


    @Lammie wrote:

    Ventrillo sucks donkeys balls.

    I am trying to get hold of the server files for the TS3 Beta and get Minti to run a sever a spare machine he has.

    I have used vent a few times and still think it’s shite

    lammie m8, vent pisses all over ts, uses better codecs etc, a lot of serious clans use it cause its sooo much clearer….

    dazz,gra and morg i speak to in rl…..scares the fuck outa me cause i always think dazz has popped round trying to have a go at the miss…..its that clear its like there in the same room as you *shudders*

    spend some time setting it up n you wont go back..dont get max’s ea syndrome and not try something different 😉

    thx pharty will defo keep RO/Arma one, will save dazz a few quid




    @nOm wrote:

    @Lammie wrote:

    Ventrillo sucks donkeys balls.

    I am trying to get hold of the server files for the TS3 Beta and get Minti to run a sever a spare machine he has.

    I have used vent a few times and still think it’s shite

    lammie m8, vent pisses all over ts, uses better codecs etc, a lot of serious clans use it cause its sooo much clearer….

    dazz,gra and morg i speak to in rl…..scares the fuck outa me cause i always think dazz has popped round trying to have a go at the miss…..its that clear its like there in the same room as you *shudders*

    spend some time setting it up n you wont go back..dont get max’s ea syndrome and not try something different 😉

    thx pharty will defo keep RO/Arma one, will save dazz a few quid

    Nomski me ol mucker – I have used vent in the past and IMO it doesn’t do anything for me. TS is better if you know how you use it properly and setup the right codecs for each of the channels. If memory serves correctly the XDC TS has all the Channels setup using Kelp (spelling?) 5.1 which is one of the lowest ones you can use. 25.1 is the best quality and I use that all the time when setting up various TS Server and Channels. However it’s for about personal preference than this ones better than that one I just think TS is easier to use, manage and maintain.

    Anyhoo no drama I’ll download the Vent client and install it.

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