mmmm mmmmmmmmmmm
Girl in first piccy ont left.. I’d tap dat ass all over
maybe it’s just me, but those women encapsulate just about everything I despise, far too made up and whorish. Personally I don’t see what people see in women that look like that, I prefer a more natural beauty, not a uniform inch think make up. What type of woman wears a pair of nickers like that whilst being in a very public place? Put it away!
Just waiting for accusations of homosexuality from Insane and Ryzo
Ha I dont believe I need to say anything about sexuality, you summed yours up pretty good yourself 😈
What type of woman wears a pair of nickers like that whilst being in a very public place? Put it away!
A woman that can I believe (although I dont rate her meself, I’ve seen better).. Dont listen to him, keep it out!!
Anyhoos, Its a bike show.. like a car show I’d expect but with bikes, women sell and attract those who choose to go, its not a public place unless you pay to go so no harm done to anyone