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  • #19428
    xdc the doc

    Someone got me a copy of this on steam… and i now hate them!

    I avoided minecraft cause I knew ho I would waste loads of time on it… but now i am getting sucked into 2D mining in a big way.

    Basically it is minecraft with loads more fighting and less flexibility in building massive monuments in stone and glass. Looks simplistic to start with but crazily addicitive.

    The real attraction though is the multiplayer. It is so good mining and killing away with a mate – swapping loot and helping each other upgrade your equipment.

    Come join me if you fancy a game – speak to me on TS so we can swap IP address etc.


    I saw this advertised on steam and thought it was minecraft rip off, and I’m avoiding it like the plague!

    You get fighting in minecraft as well Doc btw, and it’s really quite atmospheric, especially when you’re miles away from your base and at the bottom of some cave system you’ve decided to explore; you’re running low on torches, it’s pitch black, and you hear a monster growling somewhere around you. There are very few games which have made me jump as many times as Minecraft.

    ending post here before I want to start playing it again…


    you bug me into getting this game then disappear, where the hell you been doc?

    xdc the doc

    Well Matt I aint arguing about minecraft – I suspect I would love it… just don’t want to go there!

    Terraria is fun fun fun… but at least it has a visible end point for me in that once I get all the loot and do all the main exploring I can easily put it down and leave it I think.

    Me n Wolf were having a blast taking on skeletron last night and exploring the dungeon of doom.


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    Me n Wolf were having a blast taking on skeletron last night and exploring the dungeon of doom.

    Gayest thing I have read on the internet. FACT 😯


    @To0THBRU5H wrote:

    @xdc the doc wrote:

    Me n Wolf were having a blast taking on skeletron last night and exploring the dungeon of doom.

    Gayest thing I have read on the internet. FACT 😯


    Would have to agree

    xdc the doc

    Lol = piss of you haters!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    @xdc the doc wrote:

    Lol = piss of you haters!

    i believe the medical terminology is in fact piss OFF ?



    Indeed, piss of the haters is like you are throwing piss at us that has come from the haters?


    *sniff* so proud of the pedantry shown *sniff*

    It is a good game though, I do feel I’ve pretty much milked it and the rest of it left is just going to be tick the boxes, I wouldn’t mind building something awesome, but minecraft would be better for that, still, good fun!

    xdc the doc

    u back yet wolf?


    yeah, but got a mate coming down so probably won’t be playing till tomorrow


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    yeah, but got a mate coming down so probably won’t be playing till tomorrow

    So many euphemisms so little time.


    To be fair, you’ve had more than two and a half months to think of one…..

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