Gift idea

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    To cut a long story short…

    Theres a young lady… her birthdays coming up *cough* 21st! *cough!* and I want to make a good impression, without being too obvious (a dimond studded dildo) or too cheap (a CD)…

    Budget 30 – 50 ish… Something that will make her go… “ahhhhhh” and then want to have sex with me! (Thats not a scared “AGGGHHH!” more of a sensual… “ooooooooh!”)

    Any ideas? I was thinking about Uganda related photos/prints as she went last time, but my photos were gash, so would have to go pro. which loses appeal… Sooo any ideas?

    four-aces deluxe

    Buying a present, whilst being very sweet, psychologically puts you on the back foot. It indicates that you are trying to impress her like all the other guys. What you have to do is make her impressed with you (which isn’t the same thing).
    Everyone will be buying her presents (it’s her birthday) so how are you going to stand out?
    Get hold of a very expensive box from Tiffany’s or something that looks like it will contain a ring. Wrap it up nicely but inside the box put a KP Snacks Hula Hoop. She will freak out (probably in a bad way) when she thinks you’ve bought her a ring but will at least see that you have a sense of humour when she opens it (either that or think you’re a very weird, cheap-ass bastard 🙂 ). At that point you can say that you were going to buy her a present but wouldn’t it be more fun if you spent the money on a dinner for two?
    Don’t try to sidle your way into her affections by bribing her with a present, win her over with your actions.
    Fortune favours the brave Turks – Buy her a present when you’ve won the prize 😉

    [BTW I take no responsibility whatsoever for this ludicrous advice but it might just work and if it doesn’t, she probably didn’t like you anyway]
    P.S. Asking for girl advice on the internet, even if it’s just for a present, makes you a nerd 😉 😉 😉


    Cheers… I think!


    Legit was a stalker too.. mind you at least you know this girl.. he knew her for a week and bought her an Ipod *even though she had a boyfrind* and also arranged a candle lit dinner where by he also arranged a limo to take them both.. needless to say she didnt show

    anyhoos what I would do is

    £2.50 card
    £7.50 Sweet cuddly teddy
    £40 on a prostitute *Least you are guaranteed to get a fuck then, and lets face it, your buying your friend a gift in a hope of getting in her knickers so its pretty much the same*



    Stick with your idea Turks, nothing like a few photos of a third world country to make knickers just fall off. It’s actually known as the ‘Africa technique’ I believe.


    Four Aces Deluxe has some sound advice there Turks. Buying a lady a gift is a tricky thing, and if you don’t know her too well it can smack of desperation. There’s an old saying “Money Can’t Buy You love” and I’m sure multi-billionaire Bernie Ecclestone would be the first to admit that his gorgeous, young, exotic ex-model of a wife was attracted to his short, dwarfish frame, rather than his massive swimming pool filled with diamonds.

    So how do you get this young lady to drop her keks and leap into bed with you? Well you give her a gift that money can’t buy, that’s non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for money. I’m talking about a Chris Hall ‘Love Cheque’:

    If she turns that down she’s probably a lesbian.


    I’m definitely a lesbian after seeing that!
    listen to Pauls advice as it makes the most sense although Judge does have a good point. Gets my missus wet every time



    That is remarkably like my signature!… and that is my face!! what pic is that from!?

    Think I might ignore you all and get her some gig tickets and a bottle of champers… dont suppose anyone else will get her anything as they are pikey students- so should go down well 🙂


    actually… would you mind awefully changing that to a blank cheque?! Could use that in my grand plans?!


    so should go down well

    Unlike her 😉


    Well as theres no H in my name I’ll just pretend it’s not for me 😉


    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    Well as theres no H in my name I’ll just pretend it’s not for me 😉

    Sorry Jonny, the Bank of Chris Hall gives no refunds. Just don’t tense up and think of England 😉

    Young Turks, I’ll sort you out with a blank cheque although please, please, please use it wisely. After the whole Northern Rock debacle I don’t want to see pensioners queuing up outside your house wanting to make a big withdrawal (since with ‘Love Cheques’ they’d have to insert something before they can withdraw it).

    xdc the doc

    Lol Neon top idea! 😀

    As for giving a girl a hula hoop whilst pretending you have got her a nice gift…. 4 aces is either single and doomed to be so for ever more or has a VERY understanding woman.

    I reckon giving someone an experience of some sort always beats some crappy trinket which they will bin in due course. Take her to a show. give her a flying lesson, take her kite buggying… whatever it is she will remember it forever… and gives you a chance to spend quality time with her.


    Get her pissed and try it on. Absolutely 100% the best thing you can do.

    Don’t bother with all the touchy feely sensitive buying presents shit. If this bird wants you to nail her then you don’t need to buy her a thing, and if she doesn’t spending 50 quid on some crap for her won’t change her mind. Fact.

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