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    Any of you lot got a MySpace account? Set one up there the other day but havent got many Friends, only the owner, Linkin Park and My Brother. Sad eh?


    Yes Mouse that is sad. It’s sad because you should be on Facebook! The only downside to this is that you might get a friend request from somebody called ‘Paddy’ (god knows who that is).

    Pharty, Magicker, Wolf, myself and (alledgedly) Turks are on Facebook.

    Join now and see my wedding photos!


    i am on myspace and face book lol

    as for the number of friends i think the old adage less is more counts lol i am dropuk on myspace and i think alun on facebook


    paddy is a bloody decent chap. everyone should add him as there friend. Mark Hastead (civil servant) is a knob cheese though. and that’s a fact.


    Mouse, get on Facebook old boy


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    paddy is a bloody decent chap. everyone should add him as there friend. Mark Hastead (civil servant) is a knob cheese though. and that’s a fact.

    😆 😆 😆

    I can’t believe I’m laughing at that Wolf!!!


    I registered to Facebook.. never used it though.. sell it to me…


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    I registered to Facebook.. never used it though.. sell it to me…

    Mike. You have no friends. You NEED facebook.

    What name you registered under BTW? Osborne and myself tried looking for you but there were too many Mike Glovers (all from the states).


    errm.. no idea.. it was a while ago

    went on this morning but couldnt figure out the searchy thing.. couldnt find turks so fooked it off

    Ho do i search for friends or find people??? Do you have to know the friends to find them or what? or is there a search facility for random searches… pretty pointless using it if you know the people your supposed to be searching for, you might as well ring em and go pub.. seems like all its good for is those turds who goto university and want to catch up with there toffy nosed friends.. wheres the dirty bitches with there arses hanging out lol

    Try searching for Michael instead of Mike.. I dont use mike much 🙂

    I cant find you Mr Hastead either

    *Edit.. ignore above.. i’m working it out :)*


    You’ll never find me if you search for Mark Hastead. Look for Mark Hasted (only the one ‘a’ but everyone in the galaxy spells it Hastead), or Sean Renard. The search function on Facebook is pretty crap, so if you’re called John Smith, you’re mates will have a hard time finding you.

    And I’ve just setup an =XDC= group on Facebook too.


    I have a myspace somehwere


    Neon, just poked you.

    Oh, I have requested to join XDC Facebook.

    Lads, need your names to add to facebook


    I have a request from Madmax.. but it came through via msn accout.. I dont see his request in Facebook :/


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    went on this morning but couldnt figure out the searchy thing.. couldnt find turks so fooked it off

    Too fucking right – if you can’t find me, its not worth having!


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    I have a request from Madmax.. but it came through via msn accout.. I dont see his request in Facebook :/

    Easiest way to find people is via other friends accounts. Look at the friends in my profile and you’ll see Steve Brown listed there (as well as Sean, Paddy, Chris and Andy).

    The search facility is a bit wank, so avoid it unless you’re searching for someone with an unusual name.

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