BF advice

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2 BF advice

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    cheers. download it as we speak. just got back from weekend away up in the highlands 🙂
    only to find the fackers from poland-e raping my planets all weekend long. maybe i should become a sap and build more PCs like the t00th


    now that i have latest patch what’s the next step. i’ve got the BF2 icon on my desktop. do i just search for xcd on servers?


    Check out this link dr1p:

    There’s the details of our server and of team speak. You can enter the IP address and port number of our server when looking on the multiplayer option of BF2. I find that the easiest way to connect.



    Use of in game browser is punishable by hours of frustaration and hair pulling, and wondering why the feck software houses insist on using gheyspy.

    Please for the sake of the kittens(mewmewmew) go to this thread and use the luverly browser I posted about.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    there is only 1 server………..OUR server!!!

    Find it using the ingame browser once then save it as a favourite, next time you play, select multiplayer, favourites and sitting there all pretty and fluffy will be the XDC server in all its goodness, just ready and waiting for you to double click on it….double click and the jobs a goodun’ 😉

    If you find its full, get into TS and mention you have secrets about Doc that your prepared to part with and a slot will be made…….perhaps we shall even kick ronathon for suggesting such ludricous ideas! 😉 😀


    But but but…

    Your server doesn’t run SF & EF (regular like), plus it’s always fun to go and listen to a some Sweds or Germans on VoIP once in a while. 😀

    Plus it’s just a great server browser and I’m working my way to get medals etc. atm and certain types of servers (not P/K & P only) are better than yours to get these. Need 40+ hours as chinese, ground/air defence etc. and those would take me years on your server due to the karki/sharki/Marshi combo that is most nights 😛


    Kick him anyways for being a lover of the stats! 😀


    I’ve found that with the new patch.. if i click to join our dear server and its full.. i depress “Resfresh” and the fucker dissapears! Only way to get it back is to disconnect and reconnect again.. damn annyong.. esspecially if you CTD when map loading also!

    Not one to slag the superb game that is BF2.. but the recent patch sucks cat ass!

    XDC MadHippy

    My ingame browser and qtracker are fuxored – Hangs the fookin router when I update ingame or refresh qtracker. regarding statswhringron, I can see Ronny’s point though, Whilst I’m not bothered about my ‘stats’ I do like getting the shiney medals but I can’t look for other servers cos it’s fubarred, Bastich browser Biatch !!


    Take it the old adsl modem dint work either Hippy?

    Smite Hippy’s router!!!!

    XDC MadHippy

    I don’t want to use the old modem cos I paid loadsa cash for me ADSL2 router. I am gonna fix it, Just a case of when? Might try qtracker on a different machine and see what it does. I keep expecting a firmware update to fix some of the other probs with the router. If the probs carry on D-Link can stick the router up their arse – Fookin cockends!


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Kick him anyways for being a lover of the stats! 😀


    I’ve found that with the new patch.. if i click to join our dear server and its full.. i depress “Resfresh” and the fucker dissapears! Only way to get it back is to disconnect and reconnect again.. damn annyong.. esspecially if you CTD when map loading also!

    Not one to slag the superb game that is BF2.. but the recent patch sucks cat ass!

    And i thought it was just me, same happens weird! 😀


    You’re one up on me, I’ve not been abke to log onto our server since the patch, continual CTD at 62% load of map 👿

    All other servers fine

    XDC MadHippy

    @Ronathon wrote:

    Take it the old adsl modem dint work either Hippy?

    Smite Hippy’s router!!!!

    It’s definately the router and not qtracker – Go get qtracker now it’s quality. Minti and Boilertroll (show no mercy clan) installed annd used it without any probs. go here

    latest version just released cos of BF2 1.3 patch


    The boys over at Dice just can’t make up their mind with the Battlefield 2 v1.3 patch.

    The v1.3 patch introduced a change to the query protocol to help prevent DDoS attacks. While Qtracker had no problem with this new query protocol, it appears that the in-game browser didn’t fare so well.

    Today the query protocol change was rolled back and there’s currently a 50/50 split of old and new format servers. This probably won’t last forever though. You can read more about this here.

    With the Qtracker v4.22 release you can enjoy both new and old format servers without having to worry about all this mumbo-jumbo. There are currently over 6800 active Battlefield 2 servers in the Qtracker Masters….

    Sooo get fragging soldiers!


    well i tried BF2 and it seem to take forever to connect to anything remotely interactive (compared to the older BF games). is this normal or am i doing something wrong?
    also how do i find xdc server – do i just search for xdc?


    @dr1p wrote:

    well i tried BF2 and it seem to take forever to connect to anything remotely interactive (compared to the older BF games). is this normal or am i doing something wrong?
    also how do i find xdc server – do i just search for xdc?

    Depends on how much memory you have, wouldn’t recommend playing this with anything less than 1g tbh. If you have less than that it could be reason for the slow loading.

    As for searching using the in game browser, i tend to put them in name order and use Multiplay as a filter =XDC= is usualy near the top.

    I would highly recomend qtracker though as an alternative to the in game browser, which I understand has a few issues since the last patch.

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