Is anyone planning on going to I30?

Home Forums XDC Private forums XDC Chat! Is anyone planning on going to I30?

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    @=XDC=Mouse101uk wrote:

    Under 3 weeks time and ill be jetting off to sunnier climes 🙁

    Keep your head down mate. 😕

    Unless you are restricted on passing on the info (I know how fussy they can be about movement orders) let us know your unit so we can keep an eye out for you. We also expect a photo of you with a sign say “Get over here your armchair fragging XDC kuntz” or something 😈


    never been but was quite up for it if anyone wants to cart me and my P.C to it? I can offer up unlimited sarcasm, someone with less hair than you, and copius amounts of green.

    Lemme know?


    An EA party would be kewl…everyone could dress up as there favourite class in 2142, and speak to each other ONLY in 2142 talk, YA HURT, COME HERE….NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE, THANKS THANKS, it would rock, anyone wanna come?

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