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  • #44343

    Traps should do the trick if they’re put in the right place. Just put them tight along the skirting board in the rooms where you hear the scratching, as the wee buggers run along the sides of the room normally. You’re probably already doing this but thought I’d state the obvious anyways ๐Ÿ™‚ I remember once catching 20-30 of the wee fuckers over a couple of weeks, soon after we got our first cats, and never saw another (live) mouse in the house.

    Alternatively you could borrow my granda. When he was younger he used to sit watching the mouse hole with a big stick and club anything stupid enough to stick it’s head out. His eyesight’s not so good these days but I’m sure he’d have fun regardless.


    Aw, my granda is dead so I’d love a new one – are you giving him away? Is he old and wrinkly and cuddly? Sold!!!

    I can’t have traps everywhere, as I have a wee doggy. Anyway , we only had the one mouse and it’s gone now, but I am so worried about getting another one so I want to think of alternative KIND ways of getting rid of the next one!


    These “humane” mouse traps are badly mislabelled. We caught a mouse in one when we were away on holiday and when we got back the poor little bastard had slowly starved to death in a 2 by 4 cm box.

    What the fuck is humane about that?!




    Bet the bastard stunk to high heaven by the time you got back too.


    Let Vic try out his extendable rod?

    Otherwise a paintball gun, a few stellas, and a รƒฦ’ร†โ€™รƒยขรขโ€šยฌร…ยกรƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌลกรƒโ€šร‚ยฃ a shot should make a good Friday night event. :))


    or an air rifle, my bolt action one would do the trick 8)

    crazy hippo

    if you dont mind the extra damage then i recommend a shotgun. you stay up all night while wearing night vision goggles. then blast ’em away.

    and to make sure that you dont get any more you need to hang the corpses from your fence to scare away any more.

    WHAT! im being serious, they dont like being shot.


    I really worry about you uncaring, inhumane, unfeeling shower of bastards ๐Ÿ™


    @tess wrote:

    I really worry about you uncaring, inhumane, unfeeling shower of bastards ๐Ÿ™

    Ha-ha. I’d worry more about the mice judging by the ideas being floated about!

    crazy hippo

    @tess wrote:

    I really worry about you uncaring, inhumane, unfeeling shower of bastards ๐Ÿ™

    if you fancy a more humane way you could always hire a piper to lure them all away


    @crazy hippo wrote:

    @tess wrote:

    I really worry about you uncaring, inhumane, unfeeling shower of bastards ๐Ÿ™

    if you fancy a more humane way you could always hire a piper to lure them all away

    But he might come back for your children…

    crazy hippo

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    @crazy hippo wrote:

    @tess wrote:

    I really worry about you uncaring, inhumane, unfeeling shower of bastards ๐Ÿ™

    if you fancy a more humane way you could always hire a piper to lure them all away

    But he might come back for your children…

    hey at least the mice were removed humanely ;p


    Wow, a plan with no drawbacks. Thanks for that perspective Turks ๐Ÿ˜€

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