Mr Grow-a-Knob’s address

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  • #51931

    Oh FFS! 🙂

    When you take up a phone contract, you are giving your permission to be listed. But you also have the option to go ex-directory. It’s a choice.

    Completely ‘effin different.

    This guy has no choice (and, currently) no knowledge that his address is being repeated with the express purpose of getting it publicised by search engines.

    It’s just a bit shit, that’s all. We’ve had the laugh – hell, I even Google-mapped him, but the moment’s gone now….


    ok how about a safe amnesty. We all edit our posts and change some minor detail in his address therefore making the name and address fictitious and not liable for repercussions?
    How about the first bit using Eric (master)Bateman,
    29 Acacia Road

    AKA bananaman 😆


    Calm Down Lensman, try not to take things so seriously. As far as I’m aware the only person who’s whined about this is Legit, that should put it in perspective.


    I am calm mate – which is why I put the smiley after the FFS 🙂


    only person who’s whined about this is Legit, that should put it in perspective


    but please dont use”Calm Down” I cant help but think of a soul glowed scouser or that wankstain off the esure advert.. who i’d love to get in a boxing ring.. errm for charity of course!


    Yeah, but he was using it to back-up some mad non-sensical argument about double standards. Erm – I think. I kind of lose the will to live when reading his posts……

    My concern is completely independent of the git – I just think it’s a bit shit to leave the guy’s full address and phone number up on the site when we only got it by accident. Was a great laugh at the time, but surely the moment has passed?

    Let’s face it, if it was his order from Amazon that had gone astray, rather than a sex site, nobody would have posted his address up would they?


    anyone caught buying the anal ticklin bizness he was dealin in……aint gonna wanna shout about it from the rooftops….let alone take XDC to court over it.

    he got busted……its the internet……anything goes in my opinion.

    im sure that fat chinese kid has a case to argue over…….but he’s closer to hanging his chubby little ass than he is to getting a date in court !

    (if he can get the hangmans noose over his podgy little gregory peck of course)

    let it be would be my tuppence !


    What he purchased was legal – he just cocked up* slightly by mistyping his email address. Maybe it wasn’t him, but someone at the sex shop on the phone who mistyped it? Who knows? But he did not post his address somewhere public – someone here got the email and decided to publish the full details for the laugh. And it was funny.

    Of course he won’t take XDC to court. Missing my point completely.

    However, XDC could be in breach of its hosting contract by posting personal details of an individual without their consent. To be realistic, it is likely that the T’s & C’s aren’t that specific and nothing would ever come of it. Bit that’s beside the point.

    Put it this way, if someone posted your full name, home address, and telephone number on the internet would you be happy? Or would you demand it be taken down?

    I’m really not trying to get up my own arse here – I just think that the joke has had its time. Let’s do the right thing and remove the details.

    * You see what I did there? 🙂 [/i]


    His address was already posted on the internet, just not for the purposes of hilarity.

    I’m with Sprog he’s not going to want to publicise it further…

    once he’s got his toys, he ain’t leaving the house for weeks anyway especially if he’s got an extra 4″ minimum goal.


    if someone posted your full name, home address, and telephone number on the internet would you be happy? Or would you demand it be taken down?

    if the shop who sold me my dodgy sex aids gave my name and address out i would be pissed off and take it up with them……if it was me who sent it to the wrong person i would be pissed off with myself for being a proper c**T !!

    ultimately though…….however funny the gag…….i don’t see this makin the 9 o clock news somewhow.


    @=XDC=JuDgE-MenTaL wrote:

    His address was already posted on the internet, just not for the purposes of hilarity.

    No it wasn’t. 11th Signal got an email and then posted its contents.

    I’m with Sprog he’s not going to want to publicise it further…

    Again, missing my point. Whether he pursues it at all is irrelevent. It’s just a shitty thing to have your personal details published on the web without your knowledge when you have done nothing wrong. All I’m saying is we should do the right thing now we’ve had a laugh.

    And, no, I don’t live near Gloucester and my name is not Lee 😉


    @Lensman wrote:

    @=XDC=JuDgE-MenTaL wrote:

    His address was already posted on the internet, just not for the purposes of hilarity.

    No it wasn’t. 11th Signal got an email and then posted its contents.

    I believe the Judg0r was referring to his name, address and phone number being posted up on a nutritionist website that Tess found. 🙂


    Oh, I didn’t see that. 😳

    In that case, fuck him. Leave the posts alone. 😈





    We could meet in the middle, and put it in the private section…

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