Oi Pharty! TeamSpeak sucks ass compared to Ventrilo.

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    Not read much of this thread, but I’m sure this vent server is much better than our TS. I use several different voice channels at the moment, approx 5 Team speak servers, out of which ours is by far the worst for quality, and 2 Ventrillo. The vent servers are much clearer than even the best of the TS channels.

    I’ve not seen a vent server with more than 20 people on it though, so maybe the TS servers are all set to low quality to accomodate a lot of users (even though ours has a 20-25 person limit, we’re on multiplays server so they probably manage this anyways).


    Alzir, the wierd thing is out BF voice servers have a 24 person limit, while the RO voice servers have 32. I will ask Multiplay why


    Never used Vent before. Downloading it now.

    Spot the guy who logs and flogs the IT calls he takes..um I can’t connect? Tells me it can authenticate the username/password? Help greatly appreciated so I can once more listen to all the cursing and abuse!


    PLEASE for the love of women somebody post the detals as im about to blow a fuse 👿


    I’m confused too and am about to try connecting again. lol which server is what. I think I’m gonna try the TS ip and expect a Vent server there?
    lol 😕


    Sorry Guys, I have fucked this up.

    Nom is going to setup the RO server as the main one because it has 32 slots. We will use that one, once ready I will post in the Pubs and Privates the details. For now, use the RO Server details. The passy there is whatever Nomster has set it to


    Dont suppose one of you computer gurus can give me some instruction on how to set up the ventrillo thing. Ive downloaded it but have no idea how to set it up is asking for Hostname or ID and theres questions about bindings. Yes i realise im a biff at this type of thing but its just not the same playing without the Craic we get on the TS etc.

    Cheers Guys,



    Its easy mate, the keybindings is where you setup the key that you use for your microphone (as you has in TS, unless you used voice activation)

    The hostname is the IP addy of the server, details in the XDC Web & Server forum

    the rest is a doodle, took thicko me about 5 minutes


    before u set up servers mouse, you need to set yourself a named profile. Click on the right arrows beside the dropdown boxes to sort out your name and the server(s) you’re connecting to.

    If you’re going to use a key to talk, tick push to talk, click on the binding box and press whatever (ignore ‘MOUSE1’ that appears when u click there).


    Between ’em, Pharts (who’s busy) and n0m (who’s trying to get over being 43) got it sorted. What a team!

    8) 8) ❗


    Pharty i know you’re busy but seeing as no one is using the BF2142 ventrilo server – is it possible to switch it back to TS so we can try out some of the better quality codecs?


    @Wipers wrote:

    Pharty i know you’re busy but seeing as no one is using the BF2142 ventrilo server – is it possible to switch it back to TS so we can try out some of the better quality codecs?

    If we’re serious about trying it, you need to remember this is XDC. We need at least a week before we have a few people aware we’re trying something, another week before they are even willing to try it, and another week (at least) before enough bother working out how to use the damn thing.


    @Wipers wrote:

    Pharty i know you’re busy but seeing as no one is using the BF2142 ventrilo server – is it possible to switch it back to TS so we can try out some of the better quality codecs?

    OK mate, will do it now. I will leave it to you or anyone else to do the config, I am in meetings or interviews the bulk of today

    Details as follows

    Name Multiplay.co.uk :: XDC TS
    Game / Mod Teamspeak 2
    Profile Pharty_TS01
    Address teamspeak://
    Query Port 16820
    Admin Port 16814
    Machine ts2
    ServerId 10541
    Webadmin (IE safe)

    Admin user ID = mh5693admin
    Admin Passy = 175ra1n1ng
    User Passy = temp


    I’ve posted an idiots guide to setting up ventrillo


    Maybe worth leaving it on until a few of us get to try it.


    @Alzir wrote:

    I’ve posted an idiots guide to setting up ventrillo


    Maybe worth leaving it on until a few of us get to try it.

    Cheers Pharty – will give it a go this afternoon

    Matt – there are 2 comms servers – one associated with the RO server, the other with the 2142 server. We kind of made the decision yesterday to only login to the RO vent server as it could hold more people – so its staying up. The 2142 vent server wasn’t going to be used – hence moving it back to TS.

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