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  • #77912
    xdc magicker

    103 TK!!!!


    lol I’m fast catching up with him though. Last night I got a defib tk reviving a squad member 😆


    my housemates happen to have gone for FluffyBunny on Starcraft 2, they had no idea!


    108 tk’s pffft i’m just warming up 🙂

    Vietnam has plenty of potential for more!


    How regularly?

    Most evenings, later on, but tend to play in 15 minute stints

    Which platform do you use (PC, Console, or Both)?

    PC and XBOX360 although I’m having real issues deciding which I prefer.

    What are the main games you stick to?

    At the moment:

    PC – BFBC2 & Vietnam
    Trials SE
    Stalker – Clear Sky

    XBOX360 – Trials HD
    Fallout 3 – Completed main mission and am now just collecting crap and putting it in my Megaton House
    Red Dead Redemption (but starting to think it’s a bit poo)

    What’s the best way for me to get in touch with you while you’re online and looking for a game?

    I quite literally have no idea on the PC. As the 360 is so simple to use I seem to have completely forgotten how to use a PC

    I have Steam but always forget to put it on, IRC makes my brain hurt and team speak got all confusing with version 3 arriving

    Steam : Spugs
    360 : XDC Spugs

    Who do you regularly play alongside from XDC?

    I’d be pushing my luck to claim I was regular


    I quite literally have no idea on the PC

    ahhh a kindred lost spirit.

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