Home Forums XDC Gaming Gaming – general REMAKE BF1942 POLL

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  • #47241

    WET, you are indeed a hearty soul and I would very much like to vote you into power as the new chairperson (not chairman. Don’t want to upset any bits o’skirt) of entertainment software giant Electronic Arts.

    In fact, consider it done. You are now the chairman of EA.

    Storm into the boardroom immediately and start busting some heads.


    yeah must admit the airpower is the most off-putting thing about 42. Sort that out, transfer the guns from BFV with ’42 skins (BFV was the only incarnation where they were spot on with the infantry weapons (once they patched that m60 🙂 )) add the commander/squad structure from bf2/2142 and you have a decent game (well 10 or so patches later)


    The Call of Duty series stick to WW2, so dont see why it would be a problem for Dice to go back to the genre.

    Would like to see more air defence though – perhaps mobile AA, and would be nice to get… say 128 player servers… now that would be nice


    They should work with the guys from forgotten hope and get some flakpanzers and other mobile AA into the game that should help ballance things out a bit and of course the whole spitfires and me109s carrying 20 bombs each didnt help the poor grunts. I should know I was one of the bastards that kept killing you all 😈

    I mentioned in another post. (completely oblivious to this one 😳 )
    That the whole prospect of commanding could be great fun. Imagine calling in a squad of bombers for an attack run. That can just as easilly be shot down by the enemy before it gets there. Imagine Titan style games where there are 2 aircraft carriers on each side of an island that have to capture artillery possitions then unlock submarines to finish the job off or something once the ships radio tower is down. Who bloody knows.!#
    What I do know is that this Game needs to be made as I for one would probably veto Battlefield Dinosaurs and Cavemen 2042BC or battlefield Alienattack20gazillion and 42


    Forgotten hope 2 is really what I cant wait for, or an offical version, but FH was very good. I still play BF42 and FH as its dam good!

    Mind look at how we had the Desert Combat mod that was very big and then EA made the Offical Desert Combat effectively with BF2


    Yeah lets face it, I prefer FH to BF1942 anyhow, so why bother with BF1943 when FH2 (release date – Summer 07?) will be enough!!!??


    @Seedubs wrote:

    FH2 (release date – Summer 3007?) will be enough!!!??

    amended to a realisitic date……………… come play FH ya bastards!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    for the console owners out there…..

    now imagine this level of gfx goodness in a WW2 setting ?
    think i need a tissue 😉


    How dare they use BF1942 music!

    and and … 360 for teh win!!!


    now back on topic WET you hijacking gook you!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i try…………. 😉

    xdc magicker

    for those who miss ’42… me & fluff are in thw 42 teamspeak channel every sunday from 8;00 onwards

    xdc magicker

    ps open your eyes… forgotten hope was wank
    …get in tank..put cross hairs on target.. fire..destroy target…repeat no fun..

    xdc magicker

    for those who miss ’42… me & fluff are in thw 42 teamspeak channel every sunday from 8;00 onwards


    @=xdc= magicker wrote:

    for those who miss ’42… me & fluff are in thw 42 teamspeak channel every sunday from 8;00 onwards

    Not any more m8 🙄


    Hey thought you were “Away” for the week on a “Business” venture??

    if you want PROPER tank battles.. RO is the game for you.. although it requires more skill hehe

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