Trials HD

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  • #73582
    XDC wild egg tamer

    i’m with you there doc………i’m seriously impressed with that.

    XDC Erratic-Space

    It does look seriously good! The bit with her flapping her arms and legs about at the same time had me laughing a fair bit (as did the commentary from the guy recording it!)

    Not wanting to hijack a thread but did you guys see a report that 53% of 360 owners have suffered the RROD at some point? Think something like another 43% have had it on their replacement too! PS2 was either in the 30’s or low 40’s. The Wii came in top with just 11% reported failures. They did go on to say though that most people only played their Wii for about an hour or so whilst 360 users racked up between 3-5 hours a day for the average gamer.


    shush.. we are trying to get them to buy one, not scare em off!

    As for Natal, of course it would work.. Wii works (if you pay extra for that gadget at end of controller) 🙂


    @=XDC= Erratic-Space wrote:

    The Wii came in top with just 11% reported failures.

    That’s because it’s a GameBoy powering it 😛


    trumped your scores over the weekend again insane……..on easy and medium at least…..hard is nigh on impossible and too frustrating by far.

    plenty of legs in trumping peoples scores on the first two levels !!

    its a bit like breakin a world record attempt… look at a time and think how the hell ??

    2 hours of frustration later you crack it then wait for your oppos to log back in and beat it again

    great pick up and play game !


    bar stewardess! Was well pround of my times, its fecking frustrating to say the least, not played it for a wek or so, been on the Shadow Complex, completed it though so will get back on Trials till Batman arrives this Friday! Cant wait for that


    Without wanting to sound too much like an old bastard, it’s just Kickstart without the two player mode, and so not even as good. What’s more Kickstart only cost £1.99 so wins on every count.” onclick=”;return false;

    xdc the doc

    Woah… kickstart was crap thgen.. and still looks crap now. But thank you SOIA… somehow i ended up from the kickstart youtube link on this video…

    OMG – the memories! I swear i cried at the end of this back in the day! What a masterpiece!



    Shadow complex reminds me of the above

    Kickstart was a fave of mine, love it



    Popped a few skillz lessons last neet.. beat them shitbags!

    quality frustrating work of art that game, keeps you coming back for more!

    The tracks piss me off no end, but the skillz games are superb

    Bring it!


    im settin the pace you all got to beat boys… need to check your scorboards overall amongst your friends

    b0o00o0o0o0om !!!

    sproggy at the top !


    @=XDC=Sprog wrote:

    im settin the pace you all got to beat boys… need to check your scorboards overall amongst your friends

    b0o00o0o0o0om !!!

    sproggy at the top !

    Grrrrr….. fires up Trails HD must beat sproggy… must beat sproggy 😈

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