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  • #83916

    Well it was Ben who told me, and it was after some initial optimism from some people in his work who had a good time playing it. The difference might be that Ben’s coming from the DayZ experience first, but I have to say he was quite scathing in his assessment. We shall see though.


    Yeah, was going to write it up here anyway. Really didn’t enjoy it, I used perhaps a little more harsh language, but this video pretty much sums up how I felt about the game and kind of echos what I said to Matt earlier.


    What’s interesting that this highlights almost exactly what I said to Matt. The few things they found that this did better than DayZ was a global inventory which I’m not sure I like as well as melee combat, which was terrible in DayZ mod but will be properly implemented in the actual game. I’ll be interested to see what the rest of you guys think of the game.

    Take note as well that it is a shameless cash in too. They claim to have had the game in development for 2 years, but their website (for the company) was only registered in May this year. It seems to have realised the success of DayZ and just scrambled to get a clone out asap to capitalise on the face the full DayZ game isnt out yet.


    Its pretty tough – each time i ventured out, I get nailed lol! by other players, need to give it some more time


    Found a nice load of loot, shotguns, big back pack, hammers you name it, ideal start – then “wallop” – dead! noooooooooo


    got my first bandit kill tonight, he had an m4 and what did I have – a hammer lol! He went nuts called my a hacker and will report me lol. So, looted his corpse, took his big backpack, shotgun, m4, jericho and shit load of food and now im set – logged for now but I need to try and reach safe.


    lol he’s got you sussed already 😉


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    got my first bandit kill tonight, he had an m4 and what did I have – a hammer lol! He went nuts called my a hacker and will report me lol. So, looted his corpse, took his big backpack, shotgun, m4, jericho and shit load of food and now im set – logged for now but I need to try and reach safe.

    ‘Ave it 😆


    Started to get in to it a bit more late last night, and it was a joy to twat a bandit! Speaking to Matt, were thinking of getting together over the weekend for a bash at it


    Is this like Dungeons and Dragons with Zombies? Do you get to shoot lots of stuff? Is it hours of walking about n’ stuff? Never played a MMORGGMORP (or what ever they call it)… Shooting Zombies I like though.


    app. Clan tag identification comes in early next week

    crazy hippo

    you still enjoying it Max? been thinking of getting this as one of the areas i had a problem with day z was the awful controls inherited from arma 2 and this has far simplified controls, inventory management etc


    Try this before you buy mate.

    crazy hippo

    @Alzir wrote:

    Try this before you buy mate.

    is there a trial system for it?

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