Which Saturday in June for the Meet?

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    There’d better be some more Southerners going otherwise Turks is going to get a right kicking when somebody shouts “Let’s beat the shite out of the Southern fairies!” In situations like that I’ve always thought of myself as a Northerner, although in the interests of fairness I might half-heartedly cheer him on.

    What are the chances of getting the South Coast (and surrounding areas) posse to come along? Plus we’ll need Phartsbury to keep dropping supply crates as we stagger from control point to control point. Sorry, I meant pub to pub.


    I was the only southerner at the last one, and that was in pikey newcastle!

    Nottingham is civilised in comparrison!


    @tess wrote:

    Which airport is closest to Nottingham?

    It’s certainly not the most convenient place to get to from back home, but probably a flight to Manchester, then the train down is the best way. A flight to london, and the train up may be just as handy.


    Nottingham has its own airport – Nottingham East Midlands Airport.

    It’s also a DHL hub, so you can always courier yourself…..


    Yea but from N Ireland it’s a difficult place to get to cheap. I just checked flybe though and they fly into Birmingham from Belfast for about a tenner.


    Alzir, when we know who’s going and from where we can start sorting out transport proper. I’m sure there’ll be opportunities to get a lift with someone. Besides, I don’t fancy driving up to Nottingham without anyone to talk to.

    In a worse case scenario WET’ll have to make me a tape of him doing his cabbie routine that I can listen to and occassionally say “you got a point.”

    XDC wild egg tamer

    nah, i’ve retired from all that political chit chat………….gets boring being right all the time and its a real pain to wake the punters up at journey’s end!

    Nowadays whilst driving i never speak, instead i choose the savour the cool taste of a chilled special brew, and the intensity of the crystal meth as i get my fix at red traffic lights…………..sure makes the night go quick 😀


    Don’t know if this is still on, but a family thing has come up on the same day and I’ll not be able to make it now on that date.


    Well I’m still up for it, so sorry you can’t make it Lensman.

    Who else is still up for it? We’ve got two months to go so maybe we need a definitive headcount to see who’s coming?


    Wont be able to make it!! Sorry chaps, but Missis and I will be lying by the pool in Lanzarote while you lot are on the town!!

    Oh well maybe next time eh. 😀


    Im still up for this.


    am in Nottingham 16-23 June.. oh well… would have been nice to say hello to you lot!!… never mind! Lensman mate can you suggest any good places to visit in notts.? Have a 2 yr old little un and wife to please!! Am gonna stay at Sherwood Forest Hoseasons park or something like that!



    Looks like you are in a holiday park a bit north of Nottingham. There’s loads up there – Rufford Park, Sherwood Forest itself (good visitor centre). There’s a good kids place called White Post Farm quite close.

    If the missus fancies a bit of shopping in Nottingham then parking is pretty good in the centre. Head for either Victoria or Broadmarsh shopping centres – the former is at the north side, and you can walk through the town proper to the other one. There’s loads of places to eat suitable for a little’un.

    If you don’t fancy battling the one way system, there’s a good new tram service that starts at the top end of town and will take you all the way into the middle. Runs every few minutes.


    Cheers pal!!!

    Checked out that White Post Farm on tinternet.. apparently ‘Fathers Day

    Dads half price with a free drink too!’


    so do we have a better idea who is going to this little shindig?

    only 6-7 weeks or so away, and i’m not gonna book dig’s and turn up as billy-no-mates. 8)

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