28 Weeks Later…

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  • #51446

    See, I keep telling you, Insane is obsessed with boys, its all he ver talks about.

    Closet fudge-packer


    Well then Phart, that’s a bit of a turn up, but you see I’m afraid I cannot find any meaningful documentary evidence of you bagsying this bird prior to 30th May when I did exactly that on this very thread. Now since you clearly did not bagsy the jailbait on the V-Vendetta thread on this forum you must have done it on the old forum – but I will need a link to concede tanking rights here I’m afraid.

    In the absence of any corroborative evidence to back up your claims I’m afraid that you will have to desist from thinking about her when peeling the eel in future. Thank you.


    How about we alternate? You can use mental images of her on weekdays, while I shall keep my MDB stash of pics for weekends?


    You just can’t do serious, gritty realism when there are yanks about, as is proved by 28 Weeks later. They are very keen to bring copious amounts of ass-kickery against any infected people. One of my friends has a term for aspects of films like these, which is ‘mong-tribution’; like retribution, but just directed at ‘mongs’, which is his term for any zombie monster type.

    There is a fair amount of mongtribution in this film. Some of it good, some not so good. You’ve got some cool M14 sniping action, chopper blade action, gas action, napalm action and good old fashioned crow bar action. We also get an insite into how the American war machine works:

    Threat level 1
    : Colonel – “We’re under threat. Lock everyone in a poorly secured basement.”

    Threat level 2: Colonel – “Some people are infected. Kill everyone.”

    Threat level 3: Colonel – “I’ve lost the plot. Destroy Wapping.”

    I thought it was a pretty good sequel, but it deviated too much from the survival horror that I enjoyed in the first one.

    xdc magicker

    yeh we felt the same – how many other army wants to kill everything movies are there out there? i thought i was a bit of a Outbreak rip-off for most of the part.. only .. with zombies


    Hey guys, look, Imogen Poots, nuff said

    “thwap thwap thwap thwap”

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