Ban Legit or Not

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    Couple I met online and I believe they play BF2142 under the names =XDC=MADMAX and =XDC=OLDPHART 🙂


    lol yum sexy


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    lol yum sexy

    Faggoty butt-bandit, elton’s john, liberace purple wearing poof 😈




    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    lol yum sexy

    Faggoty butt-bandit, elton’s john, liberace purple wearing poof 😈

    And you love it 😀


    😆 lets ban all homosexual 😳 sorry max & phart love you 😆 😕


    @Dazzer wrote:

    😆 lets ban all homosexual 😳 sorry max & phart love you 😆 😕

    Says Daz, the oldest Queen in the clan 😈


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    Guys… he has problems… show a bit of humanity. He needs help – not a kick in the teeth. Im saying this seriously.. not as a liberal wishy washy lefty but as a doctor who is genuinely concerned at how vulnerable people can go of the rails if the wrong buttons are pushed.

    Doc is probably right. Still, I’m one of these people who think that whingers who claim to have “mental problems” should be given a smack and told to get a grip. That would sort em out.


    What more can i say, just seen his latest post and would like to give him a good shake all right. By the throat for a good half hour.

    I realise that this is not a nice thing to say but by him coming out with the “Oh please feel sorry for me” stuff all the time all he is doing is dwelling in his past when he really needs to get out and get help and get on with his life.

    Im sure im not the only one on here thats had bad things happen to them in their life but you have to move forward or you’ll end up losing everyone and everything and ultimately destroying yourself.

    It takes one minute to get into a hole but months to get out.


    @=XDC=Mouse101uk wrote:

    It takes one minute to get into a hole but months to get out.

    You must dig deep holes ?

    XDC MadHippy

    He does – Then he puts sandbags round em – like wtf ?


    Glad i’m not the only one who thinks he’s looking for sympathy.. I’ve said it a few times that we’ve all been through shit.. just get on with it FFS!

    He’s a dick . <-- thats a fullstop 😀


    a big, deformed dick, with really tiny balls


    @=XDC=Mouse101uk wrote:

    What more can i say, just seen his latest post and would like to give him a good shake all right. By the throat for a good half hour.


    LGit’s a bit of an emotional blackmailer. He’ll slag you off THEN in the same post try and get sympathy, or say that you’re the only ‘tard in XDC and how everyone else is really nice.

    I think that Doc’s right that he’s messed up and needs some kind of help. He’s like the kid in class who’s always misbehaving or doing stupid stuff just to get attention. He thrives off of this conflict he causes because it means he’s being noticed, which is what he wants.

    If we ban him he’ll be back, and the power of his spazziness will have been increased. He’s done some stupid things in the past, as well as some completely fucking moronic stuff too, I’m all for ignoring him or treating him in the same way you do with a toddler; make occassionally interested sounds at whatever extremely dull thing that they’ve just done that they think is amazing.


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    I’m all for ignoring him or treating him in the same way you do with a toddler; make occassionally interested sounds at whatever extremely dull thing that they’ve just done that they think is amazing.

    Going for Father-of-the-Year award there, Neon? 😛

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