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    Where uyou see it for £20?

    said it were £30 to me.. second hand!

    I’ve bid for a copy on ebay.. shit forgot about it!!

    waaah waaaah

    *goes off to see if successful*


    lol I saw it for £13 from brand new! but 1 – 2 weeks delivey!

    well its on its way, that gfx are brilliant in it, will be glad when I finally get my Radeon X1950Pro soon as my 9800Pro is running it ok, but lower rez and everything on low 🙁

    You had a go with the *tbub* version then insane and like it? I think it is very well done, had lots of fun playing the singleplayer story so far, but need to buy it to play against u guys lol


    £20 in game atm


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Where uyou see it for £20?

    said it were £30 to me.. second hand!

    I’ve bid for a copy on ebay.. shit forgot about it!!

    waaah waaaah

    *goes off to see if successful*

    Infact… if you give me your address, I will send you my copy for free… on the condition that you send it back once I have finished my bloody degree! Aint got time for games atm!

    xdc the doc

    dont be gay turks – gety on ts and lets get a coh game going now!


    Aye.. realised it wasnt a second hand game after I posted and I was gonna get the amazon one too but sod the wait! I ordered it on Ebay after all fo £19.45 lol.

    Cheers for the offer Turks but no excuse for you not to play online now! 😀

    Mugs : yeah I had it a long time on TBYB.. I made the game in 2 weeks then let you all know about my skillz…. ok ok i didnt make it really and I only wanna buy it cause i can play online

    yay for me


    Heh nice one 🙂 well I am looking forward to having some games with you guys


    Well got it now with valid CD Key 🙂

    who is up for a game then? had a game with max/ryzo eariler, but he dropped halfway through for some reason 🙂

    classic game though


    sorry about that, me bro had connection issues.


    Sorry Mugsy, i got kicked half way through, so i laid into my pc and blue screened it lol. Well game on again, hopefully itll all go smoothly!



    I dont seem to be very good, keep flippin losing lol. they always seem to be able toi build better things and quicker

    Making tanks is dead hard and mine die very eaisly

    I had 2 tanks on full health vs 1 with like 2% left and both of mine died and it survived!! i mean whats going on therre

    keep making sure my tank is facing the right way and so on.

    Excellent game , but its very hard

    xdc the doc

    u need to micromanage your forces mugs… dont play online till you can beat the comp on at least normal mode in skirmishes first.

    Easiest way to win is going germans and using blitzkrieg doctrine… repeatedly using manpower boost and building tigers is and almost unstoppable strat just now.

    Spunker and I have taken the hard route and tried to take on people as allied mostly – with pretty good success actually… though we can get creamed if we dont keep pushing hard all the time.

    As to why your tank died… facing is important, having backup is essential… and also you need to watch as the ai is a bit stupid… if you keep getting shot from different directions your turret might keep spinning and not getting any actual shots off itself.

    Get on TS and spunker n me will see you right.


    Lovely stuff!

    Yep I will be up for some games this evening 🙂

    I am just having some tea just now.

    see if max wants to join in.

    Its definately a class game and the sound effects are fantasic, like you say its just learning 🙂

    Err whats the TS details? the ones I have dont work anymore 🙁


    will try and join in later but the “ball and Chain” can be a pain (doc knows ;))
    Got some new tictacs ideas for that last map doc so ill deffo try and get on


    heh well lost again, was doing ok until my teammate dropped at the start so 2 v 1 and then held tyhem off, but they got motar ppl and they broke through.

    again the tanks had some real gayness. panther tank which was practically dead, I have M10 tank killer brand new and i fire several shots right at the dam tank and it doesnt dmg it one bit.

    i still dont know the ts details

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