2 stat tards that need smacking

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    Okiedokie anyone who still works for EA if you could do me the favour of putting these two numpties names forward for investigation it would be most appreciated :
    I dont know how they were managing to stat pad so quick but their scores where about 1500 each at the end of the round. It was quite amazing looking at their scores go up like a mileometer on a rocket!
    clan name is x_
    and the player names are: ItalianKill3r
    and : DevilViper
    those stats need to be wiped. good and propper 😉


    Their cheating shits on the hard work , long hours and effort of genuine statwhores (such as myself), there should be a way to ban someone from not just 1 server, but all servers. Maybe even to find a way for a ‘community ban’ , where each server in the community network sends the banned users to a master list hosted on a separate server, where everyone else reads/writes to. It won’t stop them from haxoring on public servers, but it would eb a step in the right direction -_- Infact, even though I’m playing EVE online mostly now, I may look into the old coding again (it was fun after all) and figure out a way to do it myself -_-

    XDC MadHippy

    We gotta get more detail on these peeps if ya want em reset (and they do deserve it!!)

    Things like un-edited screenies

    IP address

    Server details (easy one this)

    *Insert long winded official post from Lammie here*

    I’ll get some more details and post in the privvies although I think ya can still log tickets on the BF2Rankedservers.com site for 2142 stuff or log it direct with EA http://support.ea.com/


    I was on a server earlier and noticed a few people doing the ammo-resupply thing in the Titans. It pissed me off so much that that I just shot the ammo boxes until they got destroyed, which pissed said padders off immensely – even to the extent I got TK’d a bit.

    Was this wrong of me?

    XDC MadHippy

    @Lensman wrote:

    I was on a server earlier and noticed a few people doing the ammo-resupply thing in the Titans. It pissed me off so much that that I just shot the ammo boxes until they got destroyed, which pissed said padders off immensely – even to the extent I got TK’d a bit.

    Was this wrong of me?

    Grab any of us that have clanforge access and we can kick/ban them. You have my msn details Greg!

    Come to think of it – As these scores are unatainable though normal play someone needs to configure/implement and auto kick with clanforge, bf2cc, rcon etc to kick/ban at 500+ points or whatever


    @Lensman wrote:

    I was on a server earlier and noticed a few people doing the ammo-resupply thing in the Titans. It pissed me off so much that that I just shot the ammo boxes until they got destroyed, which pissed said padders off immensely – even to the extent I got TK’d a bit.

    Was this wrong of me?

    Not really _ did that too but I also repeatedly TKD the guys doing it untill I was autokicked from the servers 😉 I’d call an admin, but public servers pretty much don’t have any kind of admin heirachy except the automated system and if you do a kickvote, 9/10 you will almost NEVER get a sucessful kick =/


    the titan cheat seems to be more wide spread now. They may be getting wise though as the ones i saw doing it were basically bumping their score up to get into a medal position. So their scores were heavily in favour of supply points but they still had a number of deaths and kills to their names.

    i still think if there is proof of what they are doing ea should find a way of banning them wholsale from all ranked servers. Bet they wouldn’t play half so much then 😈


    It’s because some asshat posted the bug on EA’s forums a few weeks back. You should have seen half of their retarded posts, thinking DICE put it in their on purpose, totally disregarding the fact the guns have infinite ammo & don’t even need ammo crates to rearm. The worst people doing this are the 1’s doing it in groups, rearming each other whilst manning the guns – not only do they get a shitlaod of points, but they also get a fair few kills and no deaths too =/

    I think they could reduce this though, not only by fixing the bug, but nerfing the ammo crate to be as shite as the medic crate so it’s harder than a bastard to get an ammo point. As it stands now you only need to rearm someone for a single grenade or clip and you get a point but for a heal point to have to give someone what seems like 99% of their health back – they should make it so you literally have to reload 99% of someoens ammo (spread across their clips and grenades etc) to get a point =/

    Haven’t played 2142 for days now 😀 Will see you all on 1942 this weekend though 8)


    I took a screeny at the end of the game but for some reson the bleedin thing didnt turn out. I have loads of crap screenies from when I accidentally press the button tho. 🙄


    lol I still dont know what this Supply cheat is.. so I wouldnt know who’s doing it anyhoos 🙄

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