2142 ROX

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 2142 ROX

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  • #16266


    1. Install 2142
    2. Fuck about with the account shit, change keys, try single player all ok.
    3. Install patch 1.20
    4. Click Mulitplayer
    5. 2142 CTD
    6. manually update PB
    7. 2142 CTD
    8. Turn off Firewall and delete 2142 cache files
    9. 2142 CTD
    10. Search forums
    11. apply some MS hotfix that I know isn’t going to sort it.
    12. Restart PC
    13. 2142 CTD
    14. Post this
    15. Hover over uninstall button
    16. Play F.E.A.R
    17. Make room on HD for STALKER

    Utter bollocks EA went to shit after I left.


    18. Re-installed 2142
    19. Patched 1.20
    20. Same shit ..same day.
    21. looked at some pr0n
    22. tried to cash in pension to buy XBox 360 and new PC
    23. got told to fuck off by bank
    24. went for a dump

    whats this RO thing all about then?


    haha lol nice one lol

    RO is like Forgotton hope but mentally realistic and not cross hairs

    I have it and must download it again. think you need to be able to spend a bit of time with it to apprieciate it fully and get used to no crosshair and trying to figure out who is who!


    lol Judgeh

    RO is Realistic and supoib shooter.. a must if you have patience though

    Dont do what half of the gheys on here did

    1. Install
    2. Look at GFX and say “Omg there not as pretty”
    3. Shoot rifle
    4. Get shot
    5. Cry cause no Minimap
    6. Get shot again
    7. Uninstall due to no crosshair and getting owned

    p.s. Judge.. feast your eyes on this.. I think this will justify your purchase 🙂



    instal RO (free download not paying for a mod 😉


    wonder why anyone would play such a clunky old game


    RO is just one of those games where the gameplay/engine just doesn’t feel right. Nothing to do with crosshair etc it just felt ‘clunky’. shame.

    2142 is the biggest fuck up yet though….but i still occasionally play it as theres nothing better out there.

    Fingers crossed for eod mod for bf2.


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    p.s. Judge.. feast your eyes on this.. I think this will justify your purchase 🙂



    *sells missus*


    oh dear…..that looks a bit tidy eh 😯

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