A proper meet up

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    Who would be up for a right proper XDC meet up? And I mean proper, not just meeting up on a boat on the Thames and then waking up 16 hours later with a colossal hangover, I mean meeting up somewhere that we can ALL (and by all I mean people in the UK, we certainly don’t want any Americans, the French or Spaniards turning up 😉 ) get too.

    Book a hotel, travel up Saturday, meet, greet, get pissed and then spend Sunday trying to recover?

    What say you folks? How about arranging a date to get as many of us together as we can, rather than just all us Southerners (and then having the Northerners moan about it)?


    Count me in – Ive done it before, and it was great (Even though it was in fucking Newcastle!) – so would do it again!

    I kind of like the idea or doing something though – like the rats’ paintball… you could probably engineer it so that those who can afford it or want to can do a day of paintball, and the rest could meet later on for a piss up.

    Nottingham is quite well located – slap bang in the middle of the country… but since it has the highest gun crime in the UK, and Lensman lives there, I think it may be safer to be in London!


    I’d love to do it 🙂

    Unfortunately I have my finals in May, so I can’t go as I will be working very fucking hard over the next few weeks 🙁 I’ll even have to go into vacation mode in ghey game 🙁

    xdc the doc

    ill come. Newcastle meet was a good laugh. Id love to go paintballing actually – not done it in years. Too many people come up with lame excuses when things like this are mooted though.

    Finals shminals Tess – get yer ass over here… and bring that gay b oyfriend of yours too… I wanna see what kind of trouble he can cause me this time 🙂

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i’d sure be tempted by this…depending on dates etc as i’m away a few times this year. Paintballing sure is fun though a tad painful if you forget to duck/move out the way 😉


    Nottingham was one of the locations that I thought might be good from a geograhical point of view, but also because SOIA once said that there are some “right dirty slags” who frequent Nottingham’s bars. The other option is to all stay over at Wolf’s place.

    I was thinking about suggesting a date for the meet such as the end of May, just before the kid’s hols start, so as not too clash with family holidays.


    Yep, I’m up for this (dependant on Date) get it done florescentjapanesewarrior .


    toot toot!!

    I’ll start saving


    Saturday 26th May

    I reckons that this’d be a good date to put into yer diaries. Weather should be alright and it hopefully won’t clash with too many family hols. Once we get an idea of numbers etc, we can start sorting out places to stay (obviously Lensman will only be able to put up 7 or 8 of us for the night 😉 ).

    The gun crime aspect may be a problem, but hopefully if we can get Badger to come along too he could always bring some grenade launchers and assault rifles for us to use.

    Let’s wait and see about Paintballing etc until we have a better idea of numbers and a confirmed venue (although I think Nottingham or Birmingham would be pretty good).

    Plus, do we open it up to non-XDC’ers too?

    XDC Erratic-Space

    I’d be up for this. Just gimma a months notice so I can start pawning things on Ebay 🙂


    You could always nick your housemate’s drug stash and then sell it back to him at double the price…


    Errr.. make it June… cant do before for the same reason as Tess

    Unless that is the glastonbury weekend!

    I really cant… on my way to get a first, cant fanny around!


    Aye good idea Neon, though how about making it June probably will tempt more people, and instead of Paintballing ( soooooooo 1990’s), i say we do that airsoft malarky, its a LOT less painful, and the guns are WAYYYYYY cooler.


    Thats a cracking idea, unfortunately im not back from the badlands till mid July so have a pint for me.


    Thats a cracking idea, unfortunately im not back from the badlands till mid July so have a pint for me.

    Didn’t realise you were in Stoke mate!

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