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  • #15430

    The bastard just hit me (uni 5 gal 2). I saw him coming an hour in advance, sent off my fleet with all its res, sent him a msg telling him the planet was empty (even shut down all my mines just in case), but the fucker kept going.

    I quote from the battle report:

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured
    18 metal, 9 crystal, and 0 deuterium

    nob-end, what was the point?

    👿 👿 👿


    he probably sent the attack and fucked off out…. you ARE mostly harmless vic after all…



    So explain why he hit me again this morning when there was nothing on the planet? Fucker’s ranked 25 and must have spent a fortune on deut for nothing but reducing my defences by 3/10.

    Anyone want to rape him? I’ll let you.

    Bastard cunt 😡


    now that IS odd… 1 crap attack u can explain… 2 however is a different kettle of frogs*

    have u probed him lately? attacked a mate? laughed at his haircut??

    *frogs prefer it warm and damp dont they?*


    Nothing that I can think of. I certainly wouldn’t be daft enough to probe a player ranked so high, and all I’ve been doing is farming inactives rather than launching proper attacks. Just seems mindless.

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